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  • #16

    This is so exciting Moxie, thank you so much for the providing opportunity for us to learn from you.

    I hadn't expected you to be ready so quickly to begin!

    I noticed that Skype has an area for conference calls
    for up to a maximum of 9 people. I don't know much about it, but it may be worth looking into. Skype itself is free to download. It would be wonderful to be able to hear you & talk to each other on a call at the same time. Time zones might be a bit tricky to coordinate though!

    Love & Blessings,
    Theta Healing
    Paths 2 Potential

    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


    • #17
      May I Join In?

      Hi there all,

      I just saw this tonight, and would be honored to join you all as #7, if I may....

      How Wonderful!

      Follow your path to joy!


      • #18
        Number Seven - Yeah!!!

        Hi Joy,
        So glad you decided to join our Reiki group . I wondered if you were the one -as your name crossed my mind when I posted the message. I am really keen to get things started but I can only prepare a bit at a time. I have the overview ready.
        Looking forward to our journey!

        Hi Sharyn,
        I had also been thinking about Skype but not sure that it will work for everyone, especially given our locations but we can explore it as an option if some want to give it a go.
        I suspect we will be doing a lot of email conversations as we go along.

        Time for my massage so I better get off this computer.

        Love and Gratitude,
        Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

        My Mystic PATHS Website
        Word Whisperer
        My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


        • #19
          Reiki First Degree Overview

          Well, my friends here is the overview of what I see us doing during our work together. In a workshop setting this information and the attunements would happen over two to three days with sessions lasting a couple of hours. Since we will not be able to meet - except virtually - our format will be somewhat different.
          Please take a look and PM me if you are seriously interested in continuing on this journey with me. I will send lessons to you as we are ready to proceed.

          On Line Reiki 1 Overview
          1. History and Origin of Reiki – Dr. Mikao Usui
          We will review the origins and the stories regarding the rediscovery of Universal Life Energy
          2. Five Spiritual Principles of Reiki
          An indepth look at the ideals and their meaning for us as we practice Reiki
          3. Development and lineage – Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, Hawayo Takata
          4. Reiki Discussion – what it is and is not
          5. Reiki Attunement Overview – what happens? How? When?
          6. Preparing for a Reiki Attunement
          What you need to do in preparation for the four First Degree attunements
          7. The Seven Major Chakras and their connection to Reiki
          8. Reiki Self Treatment
          The benefits and expectations of self-treatment
          9. Two Precepts of Reiki
          10. Hand Positions for treating others, plants and animals
          11. 21 Day Cleansing Cycle
          What does this involve and expectations of your teacher
          12. Reiki Principles

          Love and Gratitude
          Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

          My Mystic PATHS Website
          Word Whisperer
          My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


          • #20
            I am so happy and excited! And SO looking forward to learning and starting This is going to be wonderful - my plants are already like this at the news LOL -->

            I will have to take before and after pics of my plants!

            Thank you a million times, Moxie


            • #21
              Lesson One is Ready

              Hi all,
              I have had great fun preparing information for our first lesson. For those of you have let me know that you are indeed interested in pursuing Reiki - I will be sending you an attachment with instructions about how to proceed from here. If you would like me to send the file to your personal email, I am more than willing to do that as well.
              I would like to send a group email so we can all share together but will wait until everyone confirms.
              Our first lesson is looking at the history of Reiki and how Dr. Usui came upon his discovery. There have been many variations of the story with embellishments added through the years. I will be sharing what I know to be the facts but will also include some of the wonderful stories as well.
              It is so amazing to think about his journey and how thrilled he must have been with his new found healing energy.
              If we think about our own journeys, I am sure we all have wonderful stories and memories of our experiences.
              Personally, I remember my trip to Israel and sitting on the shores of Galilee - that was back in the part of my path where I was exploring Christianity and felt a strong connection to Jesus. I had a very strong and clear vision of him there and wondered why others could not see what I was seeing. Now I know that it was my journey and what I needed at the time. I always pondered the idea of some of what he said and how we too could do what he did. He was an example as so many others have been and I was so sure we could if we only knew how!! Over the years I have grown and my beliefs have matured as well - I now KNOW we can and that we are all one - whatever Jesus or Usui or whomever can do or did do we can too - it is all in what we belief is true and available to us.
              It is thrilling and exciting to think about and focus on our possibilities.
              So I am eager to share this healing energy with you.

              Love and gratitude,
              Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

              My Mystic PATHS Website
              Word Whisperer
              My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


              • #22
                SOS, Please...

                I just got a call from a friend that is looking after another friends horse at the moment. The horse, Jiga, is about 26 years young, having some issues with tumors under her tail. She's had these for a few years, but suddenly, now, when her owner is away, it's gotten pretty serious. If any of you feel like practicing on Jiga, to make her feel better and for the tumors to reduce... please work your magic on her! She lost her life long partner a few weeks ago so maybe that has added to her current reality.

                Would appreciate if you Lovely people here, would send her some good energies!

                Jiga is white/grayish, fairly tall, not sure what breed.

                Thank you ALL!!

                Much Love,
                Moria x
                Intuitive Readings
                Web design by Hannah King


                • #23
                  Aw, sending Jiga tonnes of

                  <<<positive and healing vibes>>>


                  • #24
                    Sending Reiki To Jiga

                    Hi Moria,
                    I am sending Reiki healing energy NOW!

                    Love, Light, Gratitude & Joy

                    My Mystic PATHS Website
                    Word Whisperer
                    My Squidoo Lens - ThetaHealing, Reiki,


                    • #25
                      I did not see your post Moxie! (the one above Moria's) What a wonderful journey! So pleased I attracted you What a wonderful week this has been!! I will eagerly look out for my email


                      • #26
                        NASA test

                        Hi SJ,

                        Do you have references to the NASA testing the hands? Sounds interesting.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                          Hi SJ,

                          Do you have references to the NASA testing the hands? Sounds interesting.
                          hi Aaron,

                          I heard this when I attended a talk by Dr David Hamilton from Scotland and he mentioned it then. I bought his book "It's The Thought That Counts" and from reading a little it looks like an expanded version of his talk. I took notes at the talk and I noticed it when I got back - so I imagine there will be a lot more info about it in the book (am guessing though) and am currently reading chapter 2. No mention of it yet, but if it does crop up do you want me to put it here?


                          • #28
                            MoxieMeg ..

                            I just PM'ed you .... just came to know about the Reiki course being ready for us to start ...

                            im soooooooooooooooo excited ......................... how bout you my fellow Reiki Colleagues ?? ? sending each one of you lootsa lootsa light

                            Love, Lama


                            • #29
                              Aaron, I just found this I wrote it in April 27th the day after the lecture don't know if it helps more:

                              Last night I got chatting to Dr David Hamilton author of “It’s The Thought That Counts”. I attended his local lecture on mind-body science including placebo, effect of emotions on DNA structure, natural healing, quantum connectedness, the law of attraction, meditation and ultimately how we can use this knowledge to not only enhance our lives – but also create good on a larger scale in the World. It was fascinating to hear new (to me!) experiments of just how powerful we are as creators.

                              There were so many, but the one I wanted to share here specifically as I know many here practice – involves the powerful use of Reiki as a healing aid. Some believe when Reiki is used - especially via distance healing - that it is purely “faith” healing. I’m positive those that heal others and animals know it works on a far deeper level - as I do - so this next experiment was particularly interesting.

                              NASA has a specific machine that when a Reiki practitioner put their hands beneath it, revealed very little. But when the practitioner was requested to “switch on” their Reiki energy, immediately visible via this powerful machine was light streaming brightly from the hands. Surprisingly, the light didn’t just stream solely from the palms but also from the fingers and specifically the finger tips. Simultaneously the light was visibly seen, the machine recorded a whopping 1,000 increase in energy emitting from the hands. When asked to “switch off”, the light vanished and the machine recorded little energy levels again.


                              Also, if anyone practices Qigong– three Qigong masters conducted an experiment in the East. They stood in front of a woman with a tumor, which was being shown on a video on large screen television in front of 50 doctors. They began to make a strange sound at the tumor which roughly translated means, “It is already gone, it’s healed already; it is gone” over and over. The tumor shrunk in front of their eyes, and after two hours - completely disappeared.

                              When measured, the combined energy of the three Qigong masters was 10 million times more powerful than the single Reiki practitioner.

                              Fascinating lecture!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by lama View Post
                                MoxieMeg ..

                                I just PM'ed you .... just came to know about the Reiki course being ready for us to start ...

                                im soooooooooooooooo excited ......................... how bout you my fellow Reiki Colleagues ?? ? sending each one of you lootsa lootsa light

                                Love, Lama
                                Hi! yes me too! I keep checking my email LOL LOL It is so exciting. I keep thinking what can I do right now to help - but I must be patient! All will come in good timing! I have resorted to just meditating regularly and having fun until I hear

                                Am so happy this has come about, it is amazing

