I think this deserve a thread, since I don't see one here yet. If this is not hoax why people don't replicate it yet? Especially when Howard Johnson already give best explanation of this.
All image hosted in imagehost, I hope everyone can see it.
Mentioned by derrickjmanderson at:
Imhotep's Lab Interactive FAQ • View topic - Recommended Fan to use for conversion
The one who built the device is Juan Carlos Aviles Moran :
Magnetic Repellency Unit (U.R.M)
link by derrickjmanderson, translation:
Translation result for http://freedom.over-blog.es/
´Si se construye un magnetic mill de 2 metros de diametro de buena aleacion y un buen blindaje magnetico que evite la distorcion magnetica girara tan rapido que podria potenciar 2 dinamos de 5000 wat
explanation, from Zepharim files:

According to Howard Johnson:

YouTube - IEVE //// free energy magnetic mill juan carlos aviles moran
YouTube - juan carlos aviles moran
image of prototype:

All image hosted in imagehost, I hope everyone can see it.
Mentioned by derrickjmanderson at:
Imhotep's Lab Interactive FAQ • View topic - Recommended Fan to use for conversion
The one who built the device is Juan Carlos Aviles Moran :
Magnetic Repellency Unit (U.R.M)
link by derrickjmanderson, translation:
Translation result for http://freedom.over-blog.es/
´Si se construye un magnetic mill de 2 metros de diametro de buena aleacion y un buen blindaje magnetico que evite la distorcion magnetica girara tan rapido que podria potenciar 2 dinamos de 5000 wat
explanation, from Zepharim files:

According to Howard Johnson:

YouTube - IEVE //// free energy magnetic mill juan carlos aviles moran
YouTube - juan carlos aviles moran
image of prototype:
