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Hendershot Replications

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  • morpher44
    Bashar STA

    Originally posted by NOMDI View Post
    Hello everybody !
    Did you all stop your experiments ?
    I've been messing around with the Bashar STA of late.
    I hope to get back to Hendershot experiments later this year if
    I can find the time.

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    Hello everybody !
    Did you all stop your experiments ?

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  • mlurye
    Check Don Smith work. Everything he is doing are based on the magnetic resonance. And as I mentioned before, Hendershot generator is based on magnetic resonance.
    And now I need to rebuild my coils The most critical are sizes of L3 and L4. L4 should be exactly!!! 1/4 length of the L3 length.

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  • morpher44
    hubbard coil thread

    Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
    The most interesting is comment made by Alfred Hubbard here

    Yes I started another thread on Hubbard in this forum. I'm also very interested in the Hubbard coil ... hoping there is a common insight here for these technologies.

    I believe the mathematical constant PHI may hold the key.
    Hubbard used PHI in his coil design.
    I realized that this is simply due to the number of of outer cylinder coils
    he placed around his larger core cylinder. That geometry optimizes
    with those PHI relationships. The math just works out that way.
    With 8 coils around 1 larger coil, you get those PHI relationships.

    I realized that if you put 6 coils around a 7th, that instead all
    cylinder diameters should match. I've built a 7 coil thing
    to experiment.

    Meanwhile, I think Hendershot may have also used PHI.
    I've done a video on that as well if interested.

    Recently, I've gotten very interested in writing a simple
    bit of software to plot PHI golden ratio spirals ... and last night
    my Son and I made a fascinating observation.
    My program plots these PHI spirals such that you can create
    as many of them around a central point as you want,
    each a different angle starting point. This produces a
    hypnotic looking set of spirals around a central point.
    Next, using time, I would alter the starting angle each
    150mSec tick say, so that the collection of spirals would
    rotate -- even more hypnotic.
    By adjusting the number of iterations ... number of spirals
    drawn, certain values yielded a standing wave FROZEN
    appearance. So many are drawn that when they are re-drawn,
    each 150mSec tick, they would land on the locations the were
    before -- giving the visual appearance of no movement.

    Yet, interestingly ... you would occasionally see little light-bursts
    in the spirals ... little glitches. I don't know if this is a
    Pentium bug with hardware floating point ... a memory glitch ...
    or an actual mathematically phenomenon, but it occurs on my
    PC. I have to try it on more PCs.

    Meanwhile, following the Marco Rodin, Nassim Haramein thread,
    I see that Nassim also had a cad-cam sort of program drawing
    PHI spirals -- wow synchronicity.
    YouTube - Nassim Haramein and Marko Rodin's Eye of God Part 2
    I had no idea.
    His observations were ... a sort of lining up with Marco's diamgram...
    one ... but also a sort of standing wave pattern in the forms of
    rings ... depending upon iterations.
    Interestingly, I am not able to reproduce rings .. .per se ...
    but I do see artificats which might be due to digital pixals trying
    to represent perfect curvatures. I see CROSSes ... and
    CHRYSTAL shapes ... as I boost the iterations of the spirals
    to higher and higher values.

    But now for the fun part....
    I grabbed the window, while the spirals are being drawn ...
    and dragged it around on the screen to show my son
    the interesting pixel artifacts while moving the window ...
    and he said ... "Hey, those patterns we see look like a magnetic
    field emanating from the center".
    He was right. There were what looked like magnetic field line
    patterns that would appear when these spirals being drawn
    are put in motion on the display ... as the window is dragged.

    The geometry of PHI - Golden Ratios ... is fascinating ...
    and it makes absolute sense that magnetic field lines ...
    and particle movements would be subject to PHI spirals ...
    which would explain why all life ... and all things in nature
    FORM with such spirals.
    It is the organizing principal of energy movement.

    So regarding placing some solenoid 90 degrees with a capacitor or
    something .... don't think so right-angly like that.
    Think in terms of PHI!!!

    Hubbard started his coil design when contemplating the
    flower of life!!!
    Last edited by morpher44; 12-17-2009, 07:30 AM.

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  • boguslaw
    The most interesting is comment made by Alfred Hubbard here Alfred M. Hubbard: Coil Generator

    "Alfred M. Hubbard, the youthful stormy petrel of the Seattle branch of the federal prohibition office, may possibly be the discoverer of at least the basic principle behind the [Hendershot] "fuelless motor" which was demonstrated for the first time in Detroit last week, and which is attracting the attention of such aeronautical experts as Col. Charles A. Lindbergh and Maj. Thomas G. Lanphier.

    This was claimed by Hubbard himself yesterday. While he said that he has been able to learn none of the details in connection with the Detroit demonstration, he declared that he was inclined to suspect very strongly that the motor was simply a development of the apparatus which e himself demonstrated in Seattle as early as 1919.

    Driven By Radium

    In 1919 Hubbard represented the apparatus as being capable of extracting electrical energy directly from the air, but he admitted yesterday that this had been merely a subterfuge to protect his patent rights, and that, as a matter of fact, it had been a device for extracting electrical energy from radium, by means of a series of transformers which stepped up the rays.

    He declined to go into detail in regard to the exact manner in which he managed to extract power from radium -- but said that, so far as he had been able to determine, there was no great difference between the Detroit machine and his.

    "I never heard of this Lester J. Hendershot, the Pittsburgh electrical engineer who is demonstrating the motor", Hubbard said, "but it must be remembered that I worked on the invention for two years in Pittsburgh -- in 1921 and 1922. It was a Dr. Greenslade who represented the people who were financing me at the time -- but, of course, if the people who bought out most of my interest in the invention were to bring it out as their own machinery, they would probably do it through a man with whom I had never worked. I was employed by the radium Chemical Company at the time I was working in Pitsburgh".

    Sold Interest

    While Hubbard declined to disclose the exact amount that he had received for his invention, he made it clear that he had sold out a 75% interest in what may prove to be the greatest scientific revelation of the ages for little more than a mess of potage.

    "When I made my discovery", he said, "I was only 16 years old and, until that time, I’d never even had an ice cream soda. So you can imagine that a couple of thousand dollars looked mighty big to me. I never hesitated for an instant when the people who were financing me insisted on taking a [missing text] kept demanding more and more of my rights.

    Just Quit Cold

    "But, at last, along in 1922, I suddenly came to the realization that if I acceded to their latest demand I’d have only 20% interest left, so I just quit them cold".

    Hubbard asserted that he has no intention of bringing any legal action against Hendershot or his associates for the present, at least.

    "If he really is using my idea", Hubbard said, "and if it proves practical, it’s so big that 25% -- or 2% -- will bring in more money than I can ever possibly use. So I am not worried ... [missing text] when he went to work for the Pittsburgh people.

    Hubbard went into retirement along with his motor for some time, but he made a dramatic return to Seattle and public attention a few years ago, when he was indicted for liquor conspiracy with Roy Olmstead, then acclaimed as the bootleg king of the Northwest.

    Hubbard was duly arrested but, on the eve of his trial, the indictment against him was dismissed and it later came out that, while associated with Olmstead, he had turned government informer. Some time after this he came out in the open as a frankly avowed prohibition agent.


    Hubbard device looks really a much simpler then hendershot yet energy output was noted to be even higher.

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  • Tishatang
    Hi All
    Here are some of my thoughts re Hendershot design. I am a little handicapped right now because I cannot access youtube, scribd or whom I am going to refer to.

    If you go here and download the 32Meg version of Hendershot Mystery:

    Lester J Hendershot - The Hendershot Motor/Fuelless Generator -

    At the beginning is a good back engineered attempt with possible schematics of all the variations. Towards the end are hints on how to wind the coils with sliding pegs to raise little by little as the windings grow.

    Harold Apsden has a free energy design using the concentric capacitors as radiant collectors. I believe also Hendershot's son thought the concentric capacitors were used as antenna. I believe this is also true. But I think what is being collected is scalar energy, not the magnetic spectrum as we know it.

    You can go here and download Chapter 11 of Patrick Kelley's Free Energy Books where Apsden's Great Britain patent GB2390941 is described. Apsden uses the same concentric capacitors as Hendershot. Notice similar symmetry of design.

    When you wind coils over the pegs of the basket-weave design, the same wire goes around the circle of pegs and when it comes around the second time, the wires cross at 90 degrees to the first winding. This is the same 90 degree crossing as appears in the Wilbert Smith Caduceus Coil. Think of the 90 degree crossing of the wires as a transducer converting electromagnetic energy into scalar energy. You could dump 1000 watts of energy into the caduceus coil and it would not get hot. It just swallowed it up like a black hole. So, where did the energy go? It got converted and sent out into space as scalar energy. Naudin did experiments with this design as a transmitter.

    The Soliton Pulses Generator experiment by Jean-Louis Naudin

    Here, the 90 degree basket-weave coil design together with the concentric capacitors are working as tunable receiver of scalar energy that is everywhere, but not detected with conventional electronics. By stimulating the coil with the buzzer coils make/break, the Hendershot basket-weave coil also sends and receives scalar energy. By tuning in with resonant circuits coupled with regeneration or feedback, this huge stockpile of scalar energy is converted back into usable electrical energy.

    If I am right, then it might be possible to substitute the complicated basket-weave coil design with a trifilar wound caduceus coil wound around a doughnut shaped form. The concentric capacitors could then be placed in the center of the doughnut.

    Easiest of all would be to build like a mobius coil design. Here you would take the length of wire required to get the correct inductance for tuning. Let us say 100 ft. We will have 3 wires each 100 ft long representing L1, L2 and L3. Stretch them out and secure one end. The other end we clamp into a battery powered hand drill and wind the wires up, twisting them ever tighter until we get them at about a 45 degree angle. These 45 degree angles cross each other at 90 degees to create the scalar junctions. There are different ways to wind up the long length of the twisted trifilar wire into the final coil. You can search mobius coils.

    Sorry I am not in a position to do any experiments. I just wanted to express my thoughts about this subject.

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  • mlurye
    I found this post very interesting Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze (...seem to be suggesting that any (magnetically???) resonating coil will give OU - and all you need to do to catch it is have a capacitor plate at right angles to the magnetic field - this will generate more power than input....)

    Tesla's electric conversion is also a key feature of T. H. Moray's radiant energy device; "we have discovered the oscillation of the universe corresponds to oscillation of electric capacitors." Quoted from "The Sea of Energy" 5th edition - p.238.
    Last edited by mlurye; 12-16-2009, 03:27 AM.

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  • Chef
    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
    In the documentation, there is a reference to "carbon rods" ..
    which is kinda bizarre since you don't see much more about that
    in any photos ...and its not mentioned very much.
    I think those "carbon rods" was home made resistors, as I remember i read somewhere he used home made carbon resistors.

    I found that my hand made cap is absolutely unstable -- capacitance-wise.
    I can bump the table ... and its value will change. Its subject
    to vibration ... because its not sealed up in wax like Hendershot
    would do after tuning everything.
    Such "glitches", for power generation into coils, however, is a good
    thing -- unlike careful RADIO design.
    Until you seal those coils with wax,your capacitance would be very unstable. After a good sealing, it has to be very stable. I made myself a lot until I finally succeed, same capacitance in both coils. I used paraffin, as hendershot did.

    Anyway I think there is an important part of the device missing from every Hendershot document. The switching part! I believe he used one. I think the magnetic vibrator (ferromagnetic metal, with axis in the center) was the moving part of the switch which when moved in the axis, caused changing magnetic field in the coils, the frequency of the magnetic field change would be proportional to the frequency of the vibrating metal piece, quite low. If he managed somehow short the coils (the whole circuit), when the vibrating metal piece was at the right position, he could get much higher frequency,with the same metal piece movement.

    Interestingly we can cause high frequency oscillation, ringing in any coil by only just waving a magnet nearby at the right plane, and shorting the coil at the proper time.

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  • mlurye
    Another test I did.
    I connected both L4 sequentially and on open ends connected signal generator (12V). To my surprise on right transformer I found 180V AC. Left side didn't have any voltage on it But I don't have my 110V electromagnet yet, but I should get it soon. Hopefully it will make a difference.

    P.S. Forgot to mention, L4s were resonating at 200kHz.
    Last edited by mlurye; 12-12-2009, 08:53 PM.

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  • morpher44
    Hendershot materials...

    Originally posted by NOMDI View Post
    Maybe Hendershot used a common piezoelectric material in the gap between the coils and the capacitors ? A common material like quartz or...sugar ?
    In the documentation, there is a reference to "carbon rods" ..
    which is kinda bizarre since you don't see much more about that
    in any photos ...and its not mentioned very much.
    The combination of aluminum, copper and carbon
    and perhaps other chemicals like manganese oxide,
    ammonium chloride ... would behave like a carbon battery ...
    The battery would be coupled -- physically -- with a tank circuit ...
    and as such, might behave a bit like an AC generator ... not a DC
    Its possible the author mistook the dowel pegs -- made of wooden
    material -- for "carbon rods".

    Carbon in there might boost energy density -- like done
    in modern day double-layer capacitors.

    piezoelectric is also an interesting idea in that when
    the fields between the coils and inner capacitor STRESS,
    this would put pressure -- physically -- on the layer of material
    Another idea would be some material subject to Casimir Effects ..
    or not even that ... but rather just the sloppily hand-made capacitor
    having its plates perturbed and wiggled, producing spikes and
    I found that my hand made cap is absolutely unstable -- capacitance-wise.
    I can bump the table ... and its value will change. Its subject
    to vibration ... because its not sealed up in wax like Hendershot
    would do after tuning everything.
    Such "glitches", for power generation into coils, however, is a good
    thing -- unlike careful RADIO design.

    I'm experimenting with using these Hendershot-like capacitor cylinders at the end of
    auto ignition coils ... driven by various chopper circuits: Joule Thief, Aromaz's circuit
    or a 555-2n3055 circuit, etc. A signal generator would probably work too.
    Anyway, I find that I can create a field that is quite large around the cylinder -- upwards
    to one-half meter in radius. LEDs using AV plug, or NEONs just held near ... with wires .. not touching.
    Days later my hand was all dried up -- like it was sun burned. The field is strong here -- watch out.

    The capacitor cylinder emits a much larger field than the ignition coil .. or other coils.
    The cap is like an antenna ... transmitting side.

    I find that a coil placed within the proximity of this cap can pick up energy -- wirelessly.
    Yet, if you place another unconnected CAP nearby, you cannot light a neon or AV plug from
    that other cap easily off of the 2nd cap ... not until it is real close ... or touching.

    So cap as transmitter ... coil as receiver .. works very nicely.
    Cap as transmitter ... cap as receiver ... not so good.
    Coil-to-coil is well understood transformer.
    Coil as transmitter ... cap as receiver ... again probably not so good because
    the coil doesn't have a large field around it like a cap produces.
    Last edited by morpher44; 12-12-2009, 09:29 AM.

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    I've just read an interesting article about MRA (magnetic resonance amplifier).
    Joel McClain & Norman Wootan: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier ~ Collected Papers

    I noticed the use of piezoelectric material... Or I remember that someone said that he felt something like a "heart beat" when in touched the hand made capacitor with the Hendershot device running. My thought is that it might be a reverse piezoelectric effect. Does anybody think that it is possible the wax was only used to seal a piezoelectric material ? Maybe Hendershot used a common piezoelectric material in the gap between the coils and the capacitors ? A common material like quartz or...sugar ?

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    So if an external magnetic field (the magnet) may interract with the magnetic spin time (and relax time), the clapper of the magnet could act as a clocked magnetic short circuit to trim the spin effects for the best effects ?

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  • morpher44
    gradually accumulated

    Originally posted by NOMDI View Post
    It's really interesting but can we suppose that in NMR energy E=hv (due to the low frequency v of NMR, in general) deliveries may be added or be gradually accumulated, as the laser effect ? ... Einstein supposed NO (quantum mechanics) if i'm not wrong...
    Does it have to gradually accumulated to be usable?
    I don't think it does.
    The magnet will be able to create a certain magnetic field ...
    and hence a certain delta E.
    So from a given permanent magnet, you can derive a certain
    delta E -- perhaps.
    The magnet probably can maintain that field -- and not wear out --
    for quite some time!!!

    Permanent magnets can be de-magnetised by subjecting them
    to heat or a sharp blow or by placing them near
    a solenoid with a reducing alternating current.
    So don't do that.

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    Nmr ?

    Originally posted by morpher44 View Post
    Yes I have to agree with the speculation that
    magnetic resonance plays a role
    in Hendershot's device.

    One thing that interested me is this:

    File:EPR splitting.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Nuclear magnetic resonance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In this graph, as the magnetic field is increased,
    the delta-E can be made to increase.
    If you could construct a device that taps this delta-E
    using the spin-up/spin-down phenomenon, then
    if your source of magnetic field is simply a
    horseshoe magnet, then you have something.
    You would probably need TWO collectors and you
    would then be able to extract the delta-E between them.
    Doesn't this sound like Hendershot's device?
    It's really interesting but can we suppose that in NMR energy E=hv (due to the low frequency v of NMR, in general) deliveries may be added or be gradually accumulated, as the laser effect ? ... Einstein supposed NO (quantum mechanics) if i'm not wrong...

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  • mlurye
    Silly experiment I did.
    I took 12V solenoid with soft iron core connected it with Multimeter (set to DC) and was waiving solenoid around. This way I managed to generate 0.8mV max. Without core I'm not getting anything.
    Where this 0.8mV are coming from? Anybody care to look silly and try it?

    P.S. Tried it with 12V electromagnet, same thing.
    Last edited by mlurye; 12-10-2009, 01:35 AM.

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