Originally posted by tswift
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You know, it's funny. I've been studying every piece of material related to free energy and other exotic/unusual physics for YEARS, like a lot of other people here I imagine. I mean, I have read a LOT and then spent SERIOUS HOURS at the workbench trying to test and prove and find out whose theories are correct and whose are not. You know when this finally all clicked in my head? This Tuesday. I just had this stray thought that, "oh, maybe the reaction to a dipole is phase conjugate energy, not just opposite in sign". Then the more I thought about it the more I realized that it could explain everything. Does anyone else see the similarity between Tesla radiant energy patent #685,957, figure 4, and Don Smith's "Ambient Energy Generator"? I didn't either for a long time. But then it dawned on me, the capacitor in Don's circuit is the IMPLIED capacitance between the "Roentgen tube"-like high voltage source and the plate P. The high voltage tube is the source dipole and could be charged with a static machine like a Van de Graaf or Wimshurst or other machine. You're not drawing any current from it. Electrostatic attraction of opposite signs draws charges up from the ground into the capacitor, which you then discharge into a transformer to get a power gain, BECAUSE THE REACTION CHARGES ARE PHASE-CONJUGATE ENERGY. It acts like electricity moving backwards in time instead of forwards in time. You create a dipole but you never use it to power anything directly. Instead your power is drawn from the charges attracted to it, and Tesla's patent shows how to do it.
Now let's read Don Smith and see how similar this sounds:
Capacitor A with a predetermined voltage placed upon it, causes capacitor E to duplicate from the ambient-earth grounding the energy present at A. With an input diode placed C and an output diode placed at B the energy present at E flows through a transformer into an earth grounding. Useful energy is obtained from the transformer.
So you attach a high voltage source to one side of a capacitor, and use the other side to attract opposite charges up from ground, and you only use the ground side (the reaction) to power your output circuit through a transformer.
I submit to you that this is the exact same thing described by Tesla, only with a bigger capacitor than the tiny capacitance of the space between the Roentgen tube and the plate. Think about Don's "commercial device". High voltage source charges one plate of a big high voltage capacitor. But how do you hook up the other side to get output? Well, now I think I know, you just follow the Tesla circuit and use the charges coming from ground to charge another cap, and then use a spark gap or inverter of any suitable kind to send this power through a transformer. In Don's words, "useful energy is obtained from the transformer"....
Now let's read Don Smith and see how similar this sounds:
Capacitor A with a predetermined voltage placed upon it, causes capacitor E to duplicate from the ambient-earth grounding the energy present at A. With an input diode placed C and an output diode placed at B the energy present at E flows through a transformer into an earth grounding. Useful energy is obtained from the transformer.
So you attach a high voltage source to one side of a capacitor, and use the other side to attract opposite charges up from ground, and you only use the ground side (the reaction) to power your output circuit through a transformer.
I submit to you that this is the exact same thing described by Tesla, only with a bigger capacitor than the tiny capacitance of the space between the Roentgen tube and the plate. Think about Don's "commercial device". High voltage source charges one plate of a big high voltage capacitor. But how do you hook up the other side to get output? Well, now I think I know, you just follow the Tesla circuit and use the charges coming from ground to charge another cap, and then use a spark gap or inverter of any suitable kind to send this power through a transformer. In Don's words, "useful energy is obtained from the transformer"....
Thank you for sharing.
