Okay so that was not very fair was it? Using a stupid title to drag you in here... I apologize, but stick around I think this is important...
I have researched several FE and OU claims over the years... none work OR ever pan out... From Bessler Wheels to Tesla, etc... I even met a man near where I live claim to have an OU Gravity wheel. It is always the same old story. Fear of suppression, fear of death, fear of theft, can't afford patent, blah, blah, blah.
This is 2010. The age of the internet. The ability to communicate with anyone in the world at anytime has never been easier or more convenient. If our governments have anything thing to do with it, it never will be this easy again.
Anybody in here that claims OU or FE is completely full of ****. You are a straight up liar. Not because it breaks the laws of physics, or that it is not scientifically possible, nope none of the above...You are full of **** because you have not given anyone a chance to replicate it. You are full of **** because if you were afraid of your government why the hell were you working in this field to begin with… You are full of **** because if you were worried about money, you would also be a fame *****. A fame ***** would release it and wait for the money. You are full of **** because (insert your own here
A youtube video aint gonna cut it. Perpendulums, magnetic wheels, are all bull****. The only thing you have is a clever dog and pony show until it can be replicated.
This is why this community is here, this is why we are all so important. We are people willing to push this along. We all have resources here. Just think if we all pour all of our energy into ONE technology. ONE that worked and was easily to replicate.
How many times have you said “if I had a OU or FE device I would find a way…” What if I gave you one?… What would you do then? Would you find a way?
I gotta say that this forum and overunity.com, both have the most unbelievable community. You are just awesome. Willing to help, willing to try, and extremely willing to give credit where credit is due... calling devices or theories by the names of the people who thunk them up!
The fact is clear... If you posted a device that others could replicate on either of these two forums you would not need a patent. Everybody would know who came up with it... and most here would defend that fact violently.
We are all here trying to come up with our own **** whilst riding on the coattails of individuals past. Trying to replicate devices that were never actually PROVED to work to begin with, bedini, meyer, none of them had 100% proof. But all had Fear of suppression, fear of theft, can't afford patent, blah, blah, blah.
None of them. Not even my idol Tesla were successful in even documenting anything even close to something repeatable. Even newbs Like Hutchison, Lee, etc… all hiding their supposed tech like a child in a corner with a half eaten reese’s cup. Some have delusions of grandeur, loving the attention, some are delusional completely, are some are just introverts. But all like the idea of free energy, antigravity, ufos, theory… we are all geeks by our very nature. Seekers of the unknown…
I scour these forums in search of something I can replicate. Something I can help get out to the world. A little idea here, a little idea there, a spark in my interest, etc… All I see nowadays is a bunch of tail chasing. What’s worse are those people hiding in the corner with their half eaten reese’s cup. We need to band together. Think about this fact… If it looks like bull****… guess what? It is bull****. The work we are doing is very important. Too important for distractions from idiots who seem to be running amuck lately.
I love the joule thief stuff BTW this is innovation.
Taking a spark of hope and applying it to something useful is the mother of invention. With or without OU or FE, what can be done practically with anything you have worked on? I mean really what can you do with a joule thief circuit that actually solves a specific problem? or any circuit/device for that matter?
Can you do anything useful or practical with a bedini motor/(insert your own tech)? How many times has that been replicated supposedly to a “T”. I personally think you are chasing your tail… Just as an outsider looking in do you know how many people have replicated that over the last 10 years alone? How many actually have a replicatable working closed loop device? Zero.
Do we need an OU or FE device? Or do we need a really efficient battery/circuit that will last a really, really long time… I mean they both would have the same impact on society wouldn’t they? Which do you think would be easier to product and replicate? Is the bedini(insert your own tech) the answer to a really efficient power generator or the key to a really long lasting battery tech?
Maybe I don’t have a real point here, maybe you can see where I’m going. I just don’t know what it’s all for if we can’t do something with it? Or if we have it and feel we must hide it?
Can we use our current collective knowledge to produce something that can help mankind right now? Is there something here in these forums that can be applied commercially or on home owner scale today that will alleviate some problems? Something practical?
What do you think?
I have researched several FE and OU claims over the years... none work OR ever pan out... From Bessler Wheels to Tesla, etc... I even met a man near where I live claim to have an OU Gravity wheel. It is always the same old story. Fear of suppression, fear of death, fear of theft, can't afford patent, blah, blah, blah.
This is 2010. The age of the internet. The ability to communicate with anyone in the world at anytime has never been easier or more convenient. If our governments have anything thing to do with it, it never will be this easy again.
Anybody in here that claims OU or FE is completely full of ****. You are a straight up liar. Not because it breaks the laws of physics, or that it is not scientifically possible, nope none of the above...You are full of **** because you have not given anyone a chance to replicate it. You are full of **** because if you were afraid of your government why the hell were you working in this field to begin with… You are full of **** because if you were worried about money, you would also be a fame *****. A fame ***** would release it and wait for the money. You are full of **** because (insert your own here

A youtube video aint gonna cut it. Perpendulums, magnetic wheels, are all bull****. The only thing you have is a clever dog and pony show until it can be replicated.
This is why this community is here, this is why we are all so important. We are people willing to push this along. We all have resources here. Just think if we all pour all of our energy into ONE technology. ONE that worked and was easily to replicate.
How many times have you said “if I had a OU or FE device I would find a way…” What if I gave you one?… What would you do then? Would you find a way?
I gotta say that this forum and overunity.com, both have the most unbelievable community. You are just awesome. Willing to help, willing to try, and extremely willing to give credit where credit is due... calling devices or theories by the names of the people who thunk them up!
The fact is clear... If you posted a device that others could replicate on either of these two forums you would not need a patent. Everybody would know who came up with it... and most here would defend that fact violently.
We are all here trying to come up with our own **** whilst riding on the coattails of individuals past. Trying to replicate devices that were never actually PROVED to work to begin with, bedini, meyer, none of them had 100% proof. But all had Fear of suppression, fear of theft, can't afford patent, blah, blah, blah.
None of them. Not even my idol Tesla were successful in even documenting anything even close to something repeatable. Even newbs Like Hutchison, Lee, etc… all hiding their supposed tech like a child in a corner with a half eaten reese’s cup. Some have delusions of grandeur, loving the attention, some are delusional completely, are some are just introverts. But all like the idea of free energy, antigravity, ufos, theory… we are all geeks by our very nature. Seekers of the unknown…
I scour these forums in search of something I can replicate. Something I can help get out to the world. A little idea here, a little idea there, a spark in my interest, etc… All I see nowadays is a bunch of tail chasing. What’s worse are those people hiding in the corner with their half eaten reese’s cup. We need to band together. Think about this fact… If it looks like bull****… guess what? It is bull****. The work we are doing is very important. Too important for distractions from idiots who seem to be running amuck lately.
I love the joule thief stuff BTW this is innovation.
Taking a spark of hope and applying it to something useful is the mother of invention. With or without OU or FE, what can be done practically with anything you have worked on? I mean really what can you do with a joule thief circuit that actually solves a specific problem? or any circuit/device for that matter?
Can you do anything useful or practical with a bedini motor/(insert your own tech)? How many times has that been replicated supposedly to a “T”. I personally think you are chasing your tail… Just as an outsider looking in do you know how many people have replicated that over the last 10 years alone? How many actually have a replicatable working closed loop device? Zero.
Do we need an OU or FE device? Or do we need a really efficient battery/circuit that will last a really, really long time… I mean they both would have the same impact on society wouldn’t they? Which do you think would be easier to product and replicate? Is the bedini(insert your own tech) the answer to a really efficient power generator or the key to a really long lasting battery tech?
Maybe I don’t have a real point here, maybe you can see where I’m going. I just don’t know what it’s all for if we can’t do something with it? Or if we have it and feel we must hide it?
Can we use our current collective knowledge to produce something that can help mankind right now? Is there something here in these forums that can be applied commercially or on home owner scale today that will alleviate some problems? Something practical?
What do you think?