In this gathering
there is no high, no low,
no smart, no ignorant,
no special assembly,
…no grand discourse,
no proper schooling required.
There is no master,
no disciple.
This gathering is more like a drunken party,
full of tricksters, fools,
mad men and mad women.
This is a gathering of Lovers.”
— Rumi

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Truth is a beautiful sword in the hand of a lover. Used, it can
sever the chains of despair and the bonds of doubt. Truth and beauty
are sisters, one is the blade and the other the handle. Truth is beauty
spoken. Beauty is truth perceived. Teach your eyes to perceive true
beauty, less they be deceived by a lie
..... Ju Hoover Ryu - Funky Samurai - YouTube + Oh No Funk! - Samurai Champloo - YouTube
sever the chains of despair and the bonds of doubt. Truth and beauty
are sisters, one is the blade and the other the handle. Truth is beauty
spoken. Beauty is truth perceived. Teach your eyes to perceive true
beauty, less they be deceived by a lie
..... Ju Hoover Ryu - Funky Samurai - YouTube + Oh No Funk! - Samurai Champloo - YouTube

Scientists Scanned A Woman's Brain During An Out-Of-Body Experience — And What They Found Was Amazing - Yahoo Finance
They compared it to synesthesia — the condition in which people hear colors or smell sounds — which was thought of as "out there" but has become widely accepted in the last few decades.

The Pythagorean Theory of Music and Color
HARMONY is a state recognized by great philosophers as the immediate prerequisite of beauty. A compound is termed beautiful only when its parts are in harmonious combination. The world is called beautiful and its Creator is designated the Good because good perforce must act in conformity with its own nature; and good acting according to its own nature is harmony, because the good which it accomplishes is harmonious with the good which it is. Beauty, therefore, is harmony manifesting its own intrinsic nature in the world of form.
Secret Teachings of All Ages: The Pythagorean Theory of Music and Color.
HARMONY is a state recognized by great philosophers as the immediate prerequisite of beauty. A compound is termed beautiful only when its parts are in harmonious combination. The world is called beautiful and its Creator is designated the Good because good perforce must act in conformity with its own nature; and good acting according to its own nature is harmony, because the good which it accomplishes is harmonious with the good which it is. Beauty, therefore, is harmony manifesting its own intrinsic nature in the world of form.
Secret Teachings of All Ages: The Pythagorean Theory of Music and Color.

addendum: Prof. Giorgio Piccardi -- The Chemical Basis of Medical Climatology .... Genghis Khan's Secret Weapon Was Rain .... Native Americans and Russians share same language? | Business Standard

image from : Fractal Enlightenment | The Path of the Sacred Clown: Where Trickster and Shaman Converge .... StoneOcean - Arabian Nights - YouTube
Emerald Tablet of Hermes
13) That is why I have been called Hermes Tristmegistus, having the three parts of the Universal philosophy.
14) This, that I have called the solar Work, is complete.
[Translated from Fulcanelli 1964: 312.]
Emerald Tablet of Hermes
14) This, that I have called the solar Work, is complete.
[Translated from Fulcanelli 1964: 312.]
Emerald Tablet of Hermes

We can say that an oscillating circuit is an antenna that is able to absorb and emit electromagnetic energy waves. The highest energy can be expected at its first resonance frequency and all harmonics. The oscillating circuit considered here have a circular shape made of conducting wire or wires with an open section. The resonance frequency is defined by the circumference together with the distance and surface area between the open ends. Such an antenna can be seen as an electrical parallel circuit of an inductance and a capacitance, the inductance being formed by the circular shape of the wire and the capacitance being formed between both ends of the wire.
Lakhovsky found that cell's in living matter (plants, people, bacteria, parasites, etc.) behave as oscillating circuits. Oscillating circuits radiate waves and absorb waves from external sources each at a different wavelength (or frequency).
MultiWaveResearch + Stirred, not shaken - YouTube
Lakhovsky found that cell's in living matter (plants, people, bacteria, parasites, etc.) behave as oscillating circuits. Oscillating circuits radiate waves and absorb waves from external sources each at a different wavelength (or frequency).
MultiWaveResearch + Stirred, not shaken - YouTube
It’s generally accepted that static electricity is created by friction of two materials of different conductivity. Probably the greatest energetic sources on the Earth are water flows, where static electricity forms by friction of water molecules and the rock or other surroundings. The energetic parts (aura, zones, interzones) of underground springs, streams, rivers, large streams, ocean streams and the surf, create a great 3 dimensional raster on the Earth, which’s conducting parts are in interaction with parts of thunderstorm clouds and other charges. Due to the changes in the flow of water streams and the movement of thunderstorm clouds, all three parts of static electricity are in constant movement during which they spontaneously fill the energy of fauna and flora.
Miroslav Provod - STATIC ELECTRICITY 1 + Miroslav Provod - THE CRAZE BY DANCE ... FA RA N(nun ) Dole of Golems
and today you know it as : Novelty and fad dances - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia or Michael Jackson - Thriller - Thriller - YouTube

Miroslav Provod - STATIC ELECTRICITY 1 + Miroslav Provod - THE CRAZE BY DANCE ... FA RA N(nun ) Dole of Golems
and today you know it as : Novelty and fad dances - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia or Michael Jackson - Thriller - Thriller - YouTube

.... Words Can Change Your Brain | World of Psychology + .... AC/DC - Thunderstruck [Remastered HQ]+Lyrics - YouTube

" The lips of wisdom are sealed, except to the ears of the Understanding"
Fierce 2012 magnetic storm barely missed Earth
Earth dodged a huge magnetic bullet from the sun on July 23, 2012.[
The solar bursts would have enveloped Earth in magnetic fireworks matching the largest magnetic storm ever reported on Earth, the so-called Carrington event of 1859 ..... AC/DC - TNT Lyrics - YouTube
Earth dodged a huge magnetic bullet from the sun on July 23, 2012.[
The solar bursts would have enveloped Earth in magnetic fireworks matching the largest magnetic storm ever reported on Earth, the so-called Carrington event of 1859 ..... AC/DC - TNT Lyrics - YouTube
Interestingly, the works of Charles Fort mention that many "Spiritualist " studies were done at the turn of the 20th Century by organizations such as the American Society for Psychical Research, which directly correlated higher frequencies of ghost sightings and paranormal activity with higher energetic emissions from the Sun.
You Can Open Your Third Eye With Magnet - To Not Only See Things Within This Dimension But Also Beyond As Well -
See Art Deco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( Origins[edit] ) ....
You Can Open Your Third Eye With Magnet - To Not Only See Things Within This Dimension But Also Beyond As Well -
See Art Deco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( Origins[edit] ) ....
Jim Al-Khalili - Quantum Life: How Physics Can Revolutionise Biology - YouTube
“This is a gathering of Lovers.
mad men and mad women.
full of tricksters, fools
This gathering is more like a drunken party,
no disciple.
There is no master
no proper schooling required.
…no grand discourse,
no special assembly,
no smart, no ignorant,
In this gathering
This is a gathering of Lovers.” .... Bob James - Farandole (L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2) (1975) - YouTube
— Rumi
mad men and mad women.
full of tricksters, fools
This gathering is more like a drunken party,
no disciple.
There is no master
no proper schooling required.
…no grand discourse,
no special assembly,
no smart, no ignorant,
In this gathering
This is a gathering of Lovers.” .... Bob James - Farandole (L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2) (1975) - YouTube
— Rumi
(6) Some occultists place the Jester or the Alchemist as the last of the 21 cards of the
deck, that is to say, after the card The World and it is given the highest value. Such an
order would be without any great consequence --- the Jester having no number, being out
of the sequences --- if we did not know that the tarot, complete hieroglyph of the Great
Work contained the 21 operations or stages through which the philosophical mercury
must pass before it reaches the final perfection of the Elixir. Since the work occurs
precisely thanks to the jester or the prepared mercury submitted to the will of the
operator, it seems logical to us to name the artisans before the phenomena which must be
born from their collaboration.
(7) In Greek [*** 253-1] --- krotalon, rattle, corresponds to our crotale, or rattle snake,
and we know that, in the hermetic science, all snakes are hieroglyphs of the mercury of
the sages.
The Dwellings of the Philosophers
deck, that is to say, after the card The World and it is given the highest value. Such an
order would be without any great consequence --- the Jester having no number, being out
of the sequences --- if we did not know that the tarot, complete hieroglyph of the Great
Work contained the 21 operations or stages through which the philosophical mercury
must pass before it reaches the final perfection of the Elixir. Since the work occurs
precisely thanks to the jester or the prepared mercury submitted to the will of the
operator, it seems logical to us to name the artisans before the phenomena which must be
born from their collaboration.
(7) In Greek [*** 253-1] --- krotalon, rattle, corresponds to our crotale, or rattle snake,
and we know that, in the hermetic science, all snakes are hieroglyphs of the mercury of
the sages.
The Dwellings of the Philosophers

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