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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • MonsieurM
    “This is a gathering of Lovers .... BEETHOVEN.ODE TO JOY - YouTube

    In this gathering
    there is no high, no low,
    no smart, no ignorant,
    no special assembly,
    …no grand discourse,
    no proper schooling required.
    There is no master,
    no disciple.
    This gathering is more like a drunken party,
    full of tricksters, fools,
    mad men and mad women.

    This is a gathering of Lovers.”

    — Rumi

    ..... Nate Dogg - Keep It G.A.N.G.S.T.A. - YouTube + Nate Dogg - Music and me - YouTube + Nate Dogg feat. Pharoahe Monch - "I Pledge Allegiance" - YouTube

    Truth is a beautiful sword in the hand of a lover. Used, it can
    sever the chains of despair and the bonds of doubt. Truth and beauty
    are sisters, one is the blade and the other the handle.
    Truth is beauty
    spoken. Beauty is truth perceived. Teach your eyes to perceive true
    beauty, less they be deceived by a lie

    ..... Ju Hoover Ryu - Funky Samurai - YouTube + Oh No Funk! - Samurai Champloo - YouTube


    Scientists Scanned A Woman's Brain During An Out-Of-Body Experience — And What They Found Was Amazing - Yahoo Finance

    They compared it to synesthesiathe condition in which people hear colors or smell sounds — which was thought of as "out there" but has become widely accepted in the last few decades.
    ..... Big Head Todd & The Monsters - Boom Boom (feat. John Lee Hooker) - Contraband OST - YouTube

    The Pythagorean Theory of Music and Color

    HARMONY is a state recognized by great philosophers as the immediate prerequisite of beauty. A compound is termed beautiful only when its parts are in harmonious combination. The world is called beautiful and its Creator is designated the Good because good perforce must act in conformity with its own nature; and good acting according to its own nature is harmony, because the good which it accomplishes is harmonious with the good which it is. Beauty, therefore, is harmony manifesting its own intrinsic nature in the world of form.

    Secret Teachings of All Ages: The Pythagorean Theory of Music and Color.

    addendum: Prof. Giorgio Piccardi -- The Chemical Basis of Medical Climatology .... Genghis Khan's Secret Weapon Was Rain .... Native Americans and Russians share same language? | Business Standard

    image from : Fractal Enlightenment | The Path of the Sacred Clown: Where Trickster and Shaman Converge .... StoneOcean - Arabian Nights - YouTube


    Emerald Tablet of Hermes

    13) That is why I have been called Hermes Tristmegistus, having the three parts of the Universal philosophy.

    14) This, that I have called the solar Work, is complete.

    [Translated from Fulcanelli 1964: 312.]

    Emerald Tablet of Hermes

    see also : ... Moby - Natural Blues - YouTube + Metaphysics - The Glass Bead Game - Hermann Hesse - Part 1 - YouTube

    We can say that an oscillating circuit is an antenna that is able to absorb and emit electromagnetic energy waves. The highest energy can be expected at its first resonance frequency and all harmonics. The oscillating circuit considered here have a circular shape made of conducting wire or wires with an open section. The resonance frequency is defined by the circumference together with the distance and surface area between the open ends. Such an antenna can be seen as an electrical parallel circuit of an inductance and a capacitance, the inductance being formed by the circular shape of the wire and the capacitance being formed between both ends of the wire.

    Lakhovsky found that cell's in living matter (plants, people, bacteria, parasites, etc.) behave as oscillating circuits. Oscillating circuits radiate waves and absorb waves from external sources each at a different wavelength (or frequency).

    MultiWaveResearch + Stirred, not shaken - YouTube

    It’s generally accepted that static electricity is created by friction of two materials of different conductivity. Probably the greatest energetic sources on the Earth are water flows, where static electricity forms by friction of water molecules and the rock or other surroundings. The energetic parts (aura, zones, interzones) of underground springs, streams, rivers, large streams, ocean streams and the surf, create a great 3 dimensional raster on the Earth, which’s conducting parts are in interaction with parts of thunderstorm clouds and other charges. Due to the changes in the flow of water streams and the movement of thunderstorm clouds, all three parts of static electricity are in constant movement during which they spontaneously fill the energy of fauna and flora.

    Miroslav Provod - STATIC ELECTRICITY 1 + Miroslav Provod - THE CRAZE BY DANCE ... FA RA N(nun ) Dole of Golems

    and today you know it as : Novelty and fad dances - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia or Michael Jackson - Thriller - Thriller - YouTube


    .... Words Can Change Your Brain | World of Psychology + .... AC/DC - Thunderstruck [Remastered HQ]+Lyrics - YouTube

    " The lips of wisdom are sealed, except to the ears of the Understanding"


    Fierce 2012 magnetic storm barely missed Earth

    Earth dodged a huge magnetic bullet from the sun on July 23, 2012.[

    The solar bursts would have enveloped Earth in magnetic fireworks matching the largest magnetic storm ever reported on Earth, the so-called Carrington event of 1859 ..... AC/DC - TNT Lyrics - YouTube


    Interestingly, the works of Charles Fort mention that many "Spiritualist " studies were done at the turn of the 20th Century by organizations such as the American Society for Psychical Research, which directly correlated higher frequencies of ghost sightings and paranormal activity with higher energetic emissions from the Sun.

    You Can Open Your Third Eye With Magnet - To Not Only See Things Within This Dimension But Also Beyond As Well -

    See Art Deco - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( Origins[edit] ) ....

    Jim Al-Khalili - Quantum Life: How Physics Can Revolutionise Biology - YouTube

    “This is a gathering of Lovers.
    mad men and mad women.
    full of tricksters, fools
    This gathering is more like a drunken party,
    no disciple.
    There is no master
    no proper schooling required.
    …no grand discourse,
    no special assembly,
    no smart, no ignorant,
    In this gathering
    This is a gathering of Lovers.” .... Bob James - Farandole (L'Arlesienne Suite No. 2) (1975) - YouTube

    — Rumi
    Hermes +

    (6) Some occultists place the Jester or the Alchemist as the last of the 21 cards of the
    deck, that is to say, after the card The World and it is given the highest value.
    Such an
    order would be without any great consequence --- the Jester having no number, being out
    of the sequences --- if we did not know that the tarot, complete hieroglyph of the Great
    Work contained the 21 operations or stages through which the philosophical mercury
    must pass before it reaches the final perfection of the Elixir. Since the work occurs
    precisely thanks to the jester or the prepared mercury submitted to the will of the
    operator, it seems logical to us to name the artisans before the phenomena which must be
    born from their collaboration.

    (7) In Greek [*** 253-1] --- krotalon, rattle, corresponds to our crotale, or rattle snake,
    and we know that, in the hermetic science, all snakes are hieroglyphs of the mercury of
    the sages.

    The Dwellings of the Philosophers
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-11-2014, 10:26 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    j.j.cale-Anyway The Wind Blows - YouTube .... ... Remember Fractal Enlightenment | Sun-gazing: Why You Should Be Doing It!

    a fractal construct has an'efficient function, it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

    ps: your Taste in Music is not the same as mine ....

    All eyes do not see with the same vision,
    for to one an object appears of
    one form and color
    and to a different eye of another.
    So also the infinite fire,
    changing from color to color,
    is never the same from day to day.


    The Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Secret of Secrets

    Three are the natures of Mind,
    carrier it of the Will of the Great One.
    Arbitrator of Cause and Effect in thy life.
    Thus is formed the threefold being,
    directed from above by the power of four.

    Above and beyond man's threefold nature
    lies the realm of the Spiritual Self.

    Four is it in qualities,
    shining in each of the planes of existence,
    but thirteen in one,
    the mystical number.

    Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
    each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
    each shall channels be of the Great One.

    Agrippa argued that “all things that are, and are made, subsist by, and receive their vertue from numbers. For time consists of number, and all motion, and action, and all things which are subject to time, and motion”
    .... Kashmere Stage Band-Getting It Out Of My System - YouTube

    ..... Jimi Hendrix - Best Guitar Solo Ever (1970) - YouTube ... 1977 FREE RIDE pablo cruise - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-06-2014, 01:20 PM.

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  • MonsieurM

    Buddhabrot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .... Om Shreem Om Hreem Shreem Hreem kleem shreem kleem Vitteswaraay Namah - YouTube

    The Gayatri Mantra

    Aum bhur bhuvah svah
    Tat savitur varenyam
    Bhargo devasya dhimahi
    Dhiyo yo nah pracodayat.

    We meditate on the transcendental glory of the Deity Supreme, who is inside the heart of the earth, inside the life of the sky, and inside the soul of the heaven. May He stimulate and illumine our minds.

    The Gayatri Mantra is the most hallowed mantra of the Vedas. It is the mother of all the mantras. Mantra means incantation. A mantra can be a one-syllable word or a few words, a sentence or a few sentences. The Gayatri Mantra can offer to the sincere seeker the Light of the Infinite, the Delight of the Eternal, and the Life of the Immortal.

    The Gayatri Mantra has four feet. The first foot consists of the earth, sky, and heaven. The second foot consists of the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, and the Sama Veda. The third foot consists of prana, apana, and vyana. The fourth foot consists of the Sun, the solar being.

    A seeker of the infinite Truth must meditate on the Gayatri Mantra. The result that he will get is incalculable.

    Bhumir, earth; antariksam, sky; and dys, heaven, make up the first foot of the Gayatri. Whoever realises the significance of the first foot wins everything that is in those three worlds.

    Rcah, yajumsi, samani, make up the second foot of the Gayatri. Whoever realises the second foot of the Gayatri wins the knowledge-sea of the three Vedas.

    Prana, apana, and vyana, the three forms of the vital force, make up the third foot of the Gayatri. The knower of this foot wins all the living creatures that exist in the universe.

    Turiyam, the quaternary, the Solar Being Transcendental who alone shines, is the fourth foot. He who realises this fourth foot shines with infinite magnificence.

    Subtle is the path to Moksha, liberation. Hard is the path to liberation. But a genuine seeker can reach the Goal solely by meditating on the Gayatri Mantra. When one is freed from the fetters of ignorance, one grows into the supernal glory of the Transcendental Self. Liberation can be achieved, must be achieved, while the seeker’s soul is in the body. To fail to realise God on earth is to swim in the sea of ignorance with two more swimmers: ignorant birth and shameless death. Liberation attained, the bonds of grief destroyed. Before liberation, like the Buddha we have to proclaim, “This fleeting world is the abode of sorrow.”

    The teeming desire-night that has occupied the heart of the seeker must needs be driven out by the glowing aspiration-light. This done, the seeker attains to the Brahman. An Immortal he becomes. The Light Eternal is his new name. Today the seeker feels that the Gayatri is his mind’s inspiration. Tomorrow he will feel that the Gayatri is his soul’s realisation.

    With inspiration a seeker sees the Truth.
    With aspiration a seeker realises the Truth.
    With realisation a seeker becomes the Truth.

    Inspiration is might.
    Aspiration is light.
    Realisation is life.

    Inspiration runs.
    Aspiration flies.
    Realisation dives.

    Inspiration is the Smile of God.
    Aspiration is the Cry of God.
    Realisation is the Love of God.

    The Gayatri is eternal knowledge divine. When this knowledge dawns in the seeker’s aspiring heart, he need no longer seek for anything, either on earth or in heaven. He reveals what he achieves. He manifests what he reveals.

    In the Vedas there are two most significant words: satyam and ritam. Satyam is Truth in its pure existence. Ritam is Truth in its dynamic movement. There is another word, brihat, which means vastness in form. What we call creation is the manifestation of the Unmanifest, asat. According to our scriptures, the manifestation took place with the anahata dhvani, the soundless sound, AUM.

    The Gayatri is dedicated to Savita, the Creator. The root of the word Savita is su, to create or to loose forth. This mantra is known also as Savitri Mantra, for Savitri is the Shakti of Savita. This mantra was envisioned by Vishwamitra, the great Rishi. Savita is regarded as Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva. Brahma, the Creator, with Brahmani as his Shakti; Vishnu, the Preserver, with his Shakti, Vaishnavi; and Siva or Rudra, the Destroyer, with his Shakti, Rudrani, regularly visit the Brahman. The Eagle is the vehicle-bird of Vishnu. The Swan is the vehicle-bird of Brahma. The Bull is the vehicle-beast of Siva.

    The Gayatri Mantra is the divine magnetic needle. The magnetic needle points to the north, hence the ship does not lose its direction. The Gayatri Mantra always points to the transcendental Height of the Supreme, hence the seeker does not miss his Goal: Existence, Consciousness, Bliss.
    Columbia University
    New York, New York
    December 10, 1971

    The Gayatri Mantra | Sri Chinmoy Library ..... we Dance .... INDIAN DRUMS -Tribute To Masters - Tabla solo - Hari Narayanan - YouTube .... Jukebox Hero with lyrics - YouTube

    and .... Eagles - Take It To The Limit - YouTube .... Incredible Catatumbo Lightning Phenomenon Finally Awarded In Guinness Book Of World Records -
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-06-2014, 12:20 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Originally posted by Michael C View Post
    Great info as always, Monsieur. I could say and add many things, but I suppose Walter Russell sums it up.

    I find this article on the subject very interesting: The Shamanic View of Mental Illness -

    Just watch me as I roam

    Michael C , My Friend Good Reading YHU

    As he looked around the stark ward at the patients, some in straitjackets, some zoned out on medications, others screaming, he observed to himself, “So this is how the healers who are attempting to be born are treated in this culture. What a loss! What a loss that a person who is finally being aligned with a power from the other world is just being wasted.”

    On the mental ward, Dr Somé saw a lot of “beings” hanging around the patients, “entities” that are invisible to most people but that shamans and psychics are able to see. “They were causing the crisis in these people,” he says. It appeared to him that these beings were trying to get the medications and their effects out of the bodies of the people the beings were trying to merge with, and were increasing the patients’ pain in the process. “The beings were acting almost like some kind of excavator in the energy field of people. They were really fierce about that. The people they were doing that to were just screaming and yelling,” he said. He couldn’t stay in that environment and had to leave.
    my friend did her internship at one of these places .... she told me about the invisible ones ..... Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love (1997 Promo) - YouTube

    .... Deep Purple-Child in Time - YouTube

    ps: these will be my last batch of post ... if you want to stay in touch .... you'll find me here .... for a while .... ... you can message me

    keep in mind : That MrM is the essence of who I am ... not Moi ... Be Water my Friend .... Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven - YouTube

    Dream On by Aerosmith lyrics - YouTube .... ( Air )

    Every time when I look in the mirror
    All these lines on my face getting clearer
    The past is gone
    It went by, like dusk to dawn
    Isn't that the way
    Everybody's got the dues in life to pay

    I know nobody knows
    Where it comes and where it goes
    I know it's everybody sin
    You got to lose to know how to win

    Half my life
    Is books, written pages
    Live and learn from fools and
    From sages
    You know it's true, oh
    All these feelings come back to you

    Sing with me, sing for the years
    Sing for the laughter, sing for the tears
    Sing with me, just for today
    Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away

    Yeah, sing with me, sing for the year
    Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear
    Sing with me, just for today
    Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away

    Dream on
    Dream on
    Dream on
    Dream until your dreams come true
    Dream on
    Dream on
    Dream on
    Dream until your dreams come true
    Dream on
    Dream on
    Dream on
    Dream on
    Dream on
    Dream on
    Dream on

    Sing with me, sing for the year
    Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear
    Sing with me, just for today
    Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away
    Sing with me, sing for the year
    Sing for the laughter, sing for the tear
    Sing with me, just for today
    Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-26-2015, 01:02 PM.

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  • Michael C
    Great info as always, Monsieur. I could say and add many things, but I suppose Walter Russell sums it up.

    I find this article on the subject very interesting: The Shamanic View of Mental Illness -

    Henry Fiat's Open Sore "Don't Try This At Home" - YouTube

    You don't wanna know
    Just what I know
    And you don't wanna go
    To where I tend to go
    I know my way around
    The oldest kid in town
    Just watch me as I roam

    But don't try this stuff at home

    You don't wanna see
    Just what I see
    And you wouldn't wanna feel
    The feelings that I feel
    I know my way around
    The oldest kid in town
    Just watch me as I roam

    But don't try this stuff at home

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  • MonsieurM
    Let's Entrain your Biophotons / Fireflies once More .... African Drums - African Percussion - YouTube ( Earth ) .... ( Fire ) Sounds of solar oscillations .... Artstrology Date Checker

    Plato writes at the end of the 13th book of the law: "Every figure, every row of numbers and every assemblage of harmonious sounds, and the accordance of the cycles of the celestial bodies and the One as an analogy for all which is manifesting itself must become exceedingly clear to him who is searching in the right manner. That of which we speak will however come to light if one strives to recognize all, while not losing sight of the One. It is then that the connecting link of the ones named will come to light."


    Team finds evidence of ancient human history encoded in music's complex patterns ....

    Wah Wah Valley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... Wah Wah .... 65 65 ....

    'Wah Wah' is reported to mean "good clear water".[2]
    Q-D-Å* - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ق د س .... 100 4 60

    According to Wikipedia, "The Glass Bead Game takes place at an unspecified date, centuries into the future. Hesse suggested that he imagined the book's narrator writing around the start of the 25th century." The "exact nature [of the Glass Bead Game] remains elusive...The rules of the game are only alluded to, and are so sophisticated that they are not easy to imagine. Playing the game well requires years of hard study of music, mathematics, and cultural history. Essentially the game is an abstract synthesis of all arts and sciences. It proceeds by players making deep connections between seemingly unrelated topics."

    The Magi were also associated with the Bee, as a work by Jean-Baptiste Alliette (1738 – 1791), more commonly known as Etteila, the French occultist who introduced the Tarot to a mass audience recounts;

    “On a table, breast-high to the Magi, were on one side a book or a series of golden pages or plates (the book of Thoth) and on the other side was a vase full of celestial-astral liquid, containing one part wild honey, one part terrestrial water and the third part of the celestial water…The secret, the mystery was therefore in this vase.”

    ... Guem et Zaca percussion- Labeille - YouTube

    .... Neuroplasticity: An Extraordinary Discovery of the Twentieth Century ...

    ... New research indicates causal link between vitamin D, serotonin synthesis and autism

    A new study by Rhonda Patrick, PhD and Bruce Ames, PhD of Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI) demonstrates the impact that Vitamin D may have on social behavior associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Dr. Patrick and Dr. Ames show that serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin, three brain hormones that affect social behavior, are all activated by vitamin D hormone. Autism, which is characterized by abnormal social behavior, has previously been linked to low levels of serotonin in the brain and to low vitamin D levels, but no mechanism has linked the two until now.


    Corine Sombrun "Je suis devenue chamane malgré moi" Patrice van Eersel | CLES

    I became a shaman in spite of myself ( google translate )

    You managed to put you in a trance with electrodes on the skull. What the researchers found ?First, they analyzed me the normal waking state and found that I did not suffer from any disease , which reassured me ! Then I learned , with difficulty , to put me into a trance without drum. And then they discovered that my EEG tracings were comparable to those of a person who suffers from both schizophrenia, manic disorders and depression. The three diseases at the same time ! When he saw it , Professor Flor -Henry exclaimed : "This is a generalized psychosis ! " His team was passionate and disturbed : who could assure them that I would not get stuck in this state ? Balgir and Enkhetuya had warned me , trance is a risk if the shaman is incompetent , some may leave their lives or are " losing their soul." What intrigues researchers, is that we can put you in this state, then you back. Could we not , by imitating , learning to "bring " people psychiatrized ? It would be an exciting prospect . But for now , watching my brain, especially neuropsychiatrists confirmed that trance strongly stimulated sensory perceptual areas.... synaesthetic - definition of synaesthetic by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.


    Loganovsky, K.N., Volovik, S.V., Manton, K.G., Bazyka, D.A., FLOR-HENRY, P. (2005). Whether ionizing radiation is a risk factor for schizophrenia spectrum disorders? The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 6(4): 212 – 230. ..... Mirrors - Breaking the Future - YouTube


    Spirituality and Healing Through Shamanic Drumming -

    How Does Shamanic Drumming Affect Brain Waves?

    Rhythmic drumming like shamanic styles induce theta brain wave activity. Theta state is when your brain dreams during rapid eye movement (REM). Theta waves are also connected with the time just before or after you sleep when creativity is said to be heightened. The drumming helps move people from the alert beta wave of daily life, into alpha states associated with prayer and meditation, then down into theta. By relaxing into a theta state, the practitioners are open to experiencing vivid imagery while at the same time reducing stress.


    Photo Actinia Oxygen Therapy by Electric Reaction by T.H. Moray - Nu Energy â„¢

    ... Guem - Transe - YouTube


    Chap. 60. Of Madness, and Divinations which are made when men are awake, and of the power of a Melancholy Humor, by which Spirits are sometimes induced into Men's Bodies

    ps: VI ni, VI di, VI ci

    Father of ADHD admitted it was a fictitious disease before his death in 2009.

    “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.” These were the words of Leon Eisenberg, the “scientific father of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder),” in his last interview he gave before his death at age 87 in 2009.

    Those who "suffer from ADHD" don't suffer from any disorder at all. Their brains have the power to focus on multiple things at once allowing them to think at a genius level, given proper care and discipline.

    ADHD is something that was made up to keep the genius level thinkers under those who would seek to control them.

    I believe that mediocrity is self-inflicted and that genius is self-bestowed.”

    ~ Walter Russell

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-11-2014, 12:11 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Originally posted by Anam View Post
    Fascinating information about the Sami. Always been attracted to them as a tribe. Here is a pic i sums up the relaxed cosmic child to me.
    lullaby .... The Moipet Quartet - Pole Musa - Melynga - YouTube

    18 - Sun

    Reindeer are the only mammals that can see ultraviolet light ... Cats and dogs have a 'sixth sense' - and it's UV vision (but scientists don't know how they use it) | Mail Online ... Humans Could Have Geomagnetic Sight - Wired Science ... How Sun Could Shed Light on ADHD (Op-Ed) | Health Psychology | LiveScience .... Walking the walk: What sharks, honeybees and humans have in common

    Tinariwen - Aman Iman (Water is Life) - (7) Imidiwan Winakalin - YouTube ... YHU


    An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. a harmonic cascade effect.... Jean-Michel Jarre - Magnetic Fields, Part 2 - YouTube


    Were the ancient Greeks and Romans colour blind? - The Body Sphere - ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

    According to Bradley, the Greeks viewed chroma (in Latin color) as essentially the visible outermost shell of an object. So a table wouldn't be brown, it was wood-coloured. A window would be glass-coloured. Hair would be hair-coloured, skin would be skin-coloured. 'They wouldn't talk in terms of the abstract colours that we are used to today.'

    The term 'synaesthetic' can be used to broadly describe the different kind of association that the ancient Greeks made between the five senses. 'If colours are the external manifestations of objects, then the perception of that colour can tap into other ideas such as smell, liquidity, saturation, touch, texture.'

    In what we would tend to think of as purely visual, the ancient Greeks brought other senses into play. 'In antiquity, in pre-modern societies, there is much more capacity for the way you describe the world to tap into several different senses simultaneously,' says Bradley.
    .... Greek music - Zorba the Greek - YouTube

    previously posted ( scroll up )

    (Medical Xpress)—If she loves you and then she loves you not, don't blame the petals of that daisy. Blame evolution.

    Their findings suggest that ovulating women have evolved to prefer mates who display sexy traits – such as a masculine body type and facial features, dominant behavior and certain[I] scents – but not traits typically desired in long-term mates

    What do women want? It depends on the time of the month ..... Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know? (Official Video) - YouTube

    Malika .... Malika - Wiktionary ... 40 30 20 / 13 12 11 .... DAN .... 4 50

    Malika, whose ritual color is purple, is the feminine spirit par excellence. ... Led Zeppelin - Wah Wah (2) - YouTube

    wah wah ..... 65 65 ... HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 60 - 69

    ( Salama = Sin + Lam + Ma = 60 + 30 + 40 = Salaam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) .... MUSIC-INDUCED SPIRIT POSSESSION TRANCE IN MOROCCO: IMPLICATIONS FOR
    Tinariwen & Kiran Ahluwalia Mustt Mustt - YouTube ... 40 60 400"


    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-25-2014, 12:38 PM.

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  • Anam
    Fascinating information about the Sami. Always been attracted to them as a tribe. Here is a pic i sums up the relaxed cosmic child to me.

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  • MonsieurM

    This song was first recorded by Terakaft on their Akh Issudar CD. It's title in English is "I have heard you are educated."....

    The 3rd decan of Aquarius is Water. It is a male decan ruled by Venus. (Feb 9-18)
    A man carrying containers to and fro is dressed in fine furs. He has hairy ears,
    and is wearing a wreath made of leaves, fruit and bark.

    Artstrology Date Checker

    .... Journey of the Sorcerer - Eagles - YouTube ... Ace of Wands (Tarot card) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Mutationis auctor & impulsor (Author and instigator of metamorphosis).
    Hermes, Mercury; Cronos, Saturn.
    1+1 (Snake Eyes) = Love+Impulse (Water Hexactys) = King of Misrule (Fire Hexactys). .... ParisLike n°03__Bertrand Hell__Possession and Shamanism - video + musée du quai Branly: around the Masters of Chaos exhibition

    1+1+1 = First of the Triumph of Love.
    Greek Letter = Beta:
    Boulesis = purpose, intention, one's will.

    Hermes is frequently accompanied by a cock, which here replaces the strung-up birds of the Calendar of 354. The petasos, chlamys, purse and flute are also common attributes of Hermes. + 527 - The St. Michael Line: a Straight Story? | Strange Maps | Big Think ... Tesla Has New Pointless Lightning Rod from The Electrical Experimenter, October, 1918

    1 - Magician
    Vast Active Living Intelligence System ( VALIS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ).... Mugar - Scottish Mezwed - YouTube ..... Hu


    Did hyperactivity evolve as a survival aid for nomads? - life - 10 June 2008 - New Scientist .... Ahulakamine Hulan - Bombino - Nomad - YouTube

    Impulsivity and a short attention span may be the bane of every parent with a hyperactive toddler, but those same traits seem to help Kenyan nomads keep weight on.

    A gene mutation tied to attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is also associated with increased weight among a chronically undernourished group of nomads called the Ariaal. Notably, the mutation offers no such benefit to a cousin population that gave up the nomadic lifestyle in the 1960s.

    The nomads' active and unpredictable life centred on herding might benefit from spontaneity, says Ben Campbell, an evolutionary anthropologist at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, US, who was involved in the new study.

    "If you are a nomad then you ought to be little more impulsive than if you are settled," he says. "You should be a little quicker on the trigger."

    From music to medicine

    Rats with ADHD

    But Jensenius's analytical tool was to prove that it had a far wider area of application.

    It all started when neuroscientist Terje Sagvolden learned about the system.

    "He was doing research on ADHD, among other through trials with rats, and it really caught his interest. He claimed that the system could be suitable for visualizing and systematizing the movements of the rats over time – and that this could provide new knowledge about ADHD," says Jensenius.

    The Norwegian daily Aftenposten published a feature on this unexpected collaboration. After that, the ball kept rolling.
    The analytical tool was developed to analyse how we move to music. Now, it may also provide answers to the risk of premature babies developing cerebral palsy.

    Study of jazz players shows common brain circuitry processes music and language

    The brains of jazz musicians engrossed in spontaneous, improvisational musical conversation showed robust activation of brain areas traditionally associated with spoken language and syntax, which are used to interpret the structure of phrases and sentences. But this musical conversation shut down brain areas linked to semantics—those that process the meaning of spoken language, according to results of a study by Johns Hopkins researchers.

    Could action video games help people with dyslexia learn to read? ... FLOW Tinariwen & Kiran Ahluwalia Mustt Mustt - YouTube ... MUSTT - meaning of MUSTT in hindi - translation in Hindi - MUSTT का मतलब हिंदी में -HinKhoj Dictionary

    .... Terakaft - Talikoba - YouTube ... How Sun Could Shed Light on ADHD (Op-Ed) | Health Psychology | LiveScience ... Scientists use DNA to map where historical populations mixed -

    Although the terms ADD and ADHD did not exist back in their day, such great minds as Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Leonard Da Vinci, Beethoven, Galileo and Abraham Lincoln are all thought to have exhibited many of the symptoms we now recognize as ADD

    Terakaft Tirera - YouTube ... Savoring Servant: Fractal patterns in music ... BBC News - Power of Art: Can music help treat children with attention disorders? ... Mathematical beauty activates same brain region as great art or music

    Could learning music help children with attention disorders? New research suggests playing a musical instrument improves the ability to focus attention.

    Daniel Tammet: Different ways of knowing - YouTube ( highly recommended )

    Daniel Tammet has linguistic, numerical and visual synesthesia -- meaning that his perception of words, numbers and colors are woven together into a new way of perceiving and understanding the world. The author of "Born on a Blue Day," Tammet shares his art and his passion for languages in this glimpse into his beautiful mind.

    image from : Tracing Dan - Part Two Chapter 2 .... Terakaft - Rastaman aridal - Melynga - YouTube .... Jackie Mittoo - Ghetto Organ - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-28-2014, 12:14 PM.

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  • Michael C
    Great info Monsieur! Very interesting to read about the Libyan connection to the americas. The genetic connection between the Berber and the Samic is 'a fact' from what I understand, we have discussed similarities in art and decorative patterns earlier on in this thread. The Libyan story provides a bridge between the similarities between the Berber, Samic and the native american.

    I don't know what all this will tell us but I find it very intriguing and exciting! I always knew I was right in being extremely sceptic to school!

    I remember being fascinated by one of the earliest documented meetings between european descents and Samic people, in the relatively modern days where the Samic began to be considered inferior. During the years when Sweden became a 'super power' in nothern europe, funded by France, the connection to the northern half of the country fell into obliviousness. In the 1700's, it came into mind to rediscover these parts, and the unknown but hard of 'Samic' population were met again.

    The witness states that their party met families and several couples of individuals, completely naked, very dirty, almost without any belongings or tools, but somehow and strange enough completely satisfied with this, stating that they have what they need, no more, no less, and that's all they ask for. The investigators searched thoroughly for any significators or traces of 'civilisation' among those dirty wildmen, but found none.

    I find this report very interesting in many ways, as I find it being very non-congruent.

    The Samic culture stands very high in craftsmanship etc today. It cannot have become developed within a 100-year span, as from the 1800's the european culture well are aware of the Samic culture known today.

    Remember that this is in the arctic region. How it is possible to live a 'sub-human' life in that area, as if it was on the savannahs in Africa 100.000 years ago according to present science?

    The only possible way would be if it was under ground, Troglodytes, which also would or might explain the reported filthiness.

    Were they pulling off a show in front of the potentially dangerous king's men from the south, putting up a show of 'nothing here to take, please pass by, Sir'? The investigators suspected this, but couldn't actually find anything that even suggested that something was hidden from them. Which doesn't mean that the Samics weren't successful in this trick, if it was the case.

    So they returned back home, reported 'nothing to report except for a peculiar thing'. The district's coat of arms still tells the story of that meeting (not conform truth but alas):

    Now, the strange thing here is that this coat of arm of the region Laponia is granted by the king Gustaf Wasa in 1560, before France paid the Lion of the north, Gustaf II Adolf for starting wars in north europe. In those days, the northern region was well known, well mapped and it's riches in minerals and metals well documented. To understand how this land fell into forgetness, the rich gold fields in Boliden area weren't rediscovered until the 1930's because nobody understood he connection bewteen a rooster on the old maps and a gold finding.

    The rooster on top of the church; unclear in it's symbol value, but presumed to signify the teachings of Christ.

    The really puzzling bit is the so called 'wild man' on the coat of arm.

    Did/do the wildmen really exist? Or did the discovery party spend all their travel time in a tavern and made everything up when they got home, as it seemed plausible to report wild men in the wildman's territory?

    A great story, nevertheless
    Last edited by Michael C; 02-19-2014, 03:27 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    AIT Science Blog: Humans’ music and genes may have evolved together ... Guem Et Zaka Percussion - Chanson - YouTube ...

    Malignant and healthy cells display characteristic fractal patterns ... Savoring Servant: Fractal patterns in music

    ... Music and spirituality may be legacies of motherese: expert

    Flow (psychology) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia + Coanda Effect Patents ... ..... Gnawa & irish music mixed (Amazing piece of fusion music) - YouTube .... Hu

    .... FOLI (there is no movement without rhythm) original version by Thomas Roebers and Floris Leeuwenberg - YouTube

    Thomas H. MORAY speech - Nu Energy â„¢

    While on this subject of the vibrations of matter, be it in the Universe or beyond the microscopic, let me state that one finds another very interesting discovery for which we must acknowledge the help of Dr. Robert B. Craig, without whose accomplishment in obtaining the original support of a branch of the United States Government for research in Cosray Electric Therapy, this very valuable equipment might never have been given to the public. Also, we might not have made the discovery that the living cell oscillates very similarly to the oscillations of the Universe and can be expressed mathematically, much as the oscillations of capacitors under high frequency current effect.
    But when you break through into new territory, enter an unknown door, go down that lonesome road (and no one who has not gone down that road can know how lonesome it can be,) it is THE ARTIST’S POWER OF CREATIVE IMAGINATION which carries you

    105 > 6 - 105 - 105 = 3x5x7 ... Mayan Numbers Symbols

    --- pr.n. "God is Witness".

    --- (755 w/f); back, ridge.
    --- small cup; calix or corolla of flowers.
    --- pr.n. "Fountain of Bubbling".

    Psalm 36:9 For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.
    --- (755 w/f); pr.n. "Faithful", "Trustful".
    --- to break or cut off; broken twigs, sticks, brushwood.
    --- (755 w/f); to lament, whine, weep, cry.
    --- (585 w/f); to turn; to turn about; to turn back, flee, change; over turn, destroy, pervert; reverse, contrary; perverseness.

    --- pr.n. "Yah is Omniscient".
    --- (915 w/f); to tread or trample down.
    --- pr.n. "Dove". ... Mugar - Scottish Mezwed - YouTube TAMIKREST | Aicha | - YouTube
    --- pr.n. "Good-luck".

    --- (106); pr.n. "Cane: or "Reed".
    --- (665 w/f); pr.n. "Pining".
    --- to extinguish; a branch; a palm-top.
    --- to speak foolishly or hastily.
    --- pr.n. "Yah is King".
    --- to become fluid, to flow away.; to cause to flow, to dissolve; to wet or soak; to make (the heart) melt.
    --- trial, testing (of fidelity); tempting or proving (e.g. murmuring against the deity); calamity or suffering; pr.n. "A Proving" --- of a place in the desert.
    --- measure or proportion; by measure or quota of (with a following noun).
    --- pr. n. "Covert".
    --- to mark or stamp.
    --- to go or come up, to ascent or mount up.; whither; whence; to rise or be high, to excel.
    --- vegetation or sprouting; a leaf, foliage.
    --- high.
    --- burnt offering, holocaust; ascent or stair-case.
    --- wickedness or wrong.
    --- cause or occasion, ground (of an accusation).

    HEBREW GEMATRIA File #2: Values from 100 - 299 .... THALWEG , Musique Berbero Celtic - YouTube ... at 25:20 ....


    Tracing Dan - Part Two Chapter 2 ... "Tuatha de Danaan."

    Barry Fell said the alphabets in ancient America include Arabic, Berber, Carthaginian, Celtic, Cree, Cypriot, Greek, Hebrew, Hiragana, Iberian, Kufi, Latin, Libyan, Minoan, Nashki, Norse, Punic, Tifinag. Tifinag, remember, is an alphabet, not a language. Any language can be made using Tifinag. "Pima" is Arabic or Semitic derived from Iberian Punic. "Zuni" is North African (Libyan). 6
    Barry Fell's work on the Libyan aspect of the Zuni language is supportive of this, as is Casey's craniometric data relating the Old Zuni to Mediterranean sea-farers and their Ticuso Cromagnon antecedents. 11

    The conventional belief, that almost all indigenous Americans came from Siberia, falls a notch or two when we find strikingly different gene distributions in North, Central, and South America and the disparity in gene profiles between Asians and Americans in the region of the Bering Straight. Guthrie says the first Americans probably lacked the A and B genes. In North America, the high levels of A could have come from Europe or North Africa. The Diego gene, said to be the main Mongoloid marker, is at much higher levels in South America than anywhere else in the world, and it could very well be called the South American gene. The old idea that a small homogeneous population of Siberian-Americans, evolving variously in response to environmental pressures, gave rise to the diverse modern Amerindian peoples, seems shaky at best..

    "The peculiar Auni Cde/cDE ratio of 3.2 is suggestive of a connection with the Mediterranean." (Guthrie quotes this from Mourant, in reference 19, p. 72, with regard to a Cde/cDE ratio of 5 among the Basques.) 12 The low level of A gene would seem to argue against a close connection with North Africa, but the Berbers of the Atlas Mountains have only 6% A. It will be recalled that Fell believes the ancient Libyan language incorporated in the Zuni language has been preserved to a large degree by Berber isolates. 13

    Barry Fell gives much more information on these people, including the Mimbres pottery and "magic" symbols used in their priesthood being written Libyan words for those objects. The matching pairs of words from New Mexico and from North Africa, though, are a final clincher. They are so numerous, and the phonetic relationships so evident, that it is possible to set out the rules of phonetic mutation that govern the derivation of the Zuni language from its Libyan parent language.

    The Anasazi "kivas" (underground chambers) were the same as those of the Mountain Berbers in North Africa. Herodotus called these Berbers Troglodytes (people who live in holes in the ground). The pueblos of the Southwest perfectly match those of the Berbers in the Atlas Mountains. The Zuni word "adobe" comes from the Arabic "ah-topi," having the same meaning.

    Dr. Fell goes on to say that the Polynesian people, like the Libyans themselves, are descended from the Anatolian Sea Peoples who invaded the Mediterranean around 1400 B.C.E. and, after their defeat, settled Libya. Later the Libyan seamen were employed by the Pharaohs in the Egyptian fleet, and still later the Libyan chiefs seized control of Egypt to establish the Libyan dynasties, mentioned earlier in "Dan in North Africa. ....
    HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 50 - 59

    54 > 9 - 54 - 54 = 2x33

    --- (704 w/f); pr.n. "Judge"; tribe of Dan; Dan --- a Phoenician deity also called EshMun; this
    --- a heap; waves (poetic reference to waves as heaped up in the sea).
    .... Mugar - Breman - YouTube ... Baby hearts need rhythm to develop correctly ... Tinariwen & Kiran Ahluwalia Mustt Mustt - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-19-2014, 09:12 PM.

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  • MonsieurM

    Scientists use DNA to map where historical populations mixed - .... Kodo - Irodori | Performans - YouTube

    Researchers say the Kalash are geographically isolated, originating in the Hindu Kush mountains, which is why they don't show genetic signatures of a more recent admixture event. Local tradition says the Kalash are descended from the army of Alexander the Great; the new study does not rule that out, since the time period of the mixing event could have been about right.

    Burusho people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Burusho or Brusho people live in the Hunza and Yasin valleys of Gilgit Baltistan in northern Pakistan.[3] They are predominantly Muslims. Their language, Burushaski, has not been shown to be related to any other.[4]
    The Hunza people, or Hunzakuts, descend from the principality of Hunza. The Burusho or Hunzakuts (Hunza people), are an ethnic group indigenous to the Hunza Valley, Karakorum Mountains, Northern Pakistan. The Burusho claim to be descendants of the soldiers who came to the region with Alexander the Great's army in the 4th century BC. They live alongside the Wakhi and the Shina.

    HU nza ....

    The Hunza Valley: Hunza Water

    There are five places on Earth where the people routinely live to over 120 years of age in good health with virtually no cancer or dental caries (decay of a bone or tooth), where they remain robust and strong and are also able to bear children even in old age, and the most famous of these, Hunza in the Himalayas, has people who live to 120-140 years old. There are also villages in France where the people are extremely healthy and other villages where the people are run-down. Much research has proven conclusively that the major common denominator of the healthy long-living people is their local water.

    Dr. Henri Coanda, the Romanian father of fluid dynamics and a Nobel Prize winner at 78 yrs old, spent six decades studying the Hunza water trying to determine what it was in this water that caused such beneficial effects for the body. He discovered that there were indeed anomalous properties to the Hunza water. It had a different freezing and boiling point than ordinary water, a different viscosity and a different surface tension.

    ps : find Hunza Valley on Google Map and compare to Planetary Grid Map ... Earth's Grid System, Becker-Hagens, Ley Lines, Hartmann Net, Curry Lines - Science and Pseudoscience - Crystalinks ... ... Earthquake light - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Instead, the lights are caused by electrical properties of certain rocks in specific settings, report scientists in a new paper.

    Sometimes called earthquake lightning, the lights can take "many different shapes, forms, and colors," says study coauthor Friedemann Freund, an adjunct professor of physics at San Jose State University and a senior researcher at NASA's Ames Research Center.

    Freund says common forms of earthquake lights include bluish flames that appear to come out of the ground at ankle height; orbs of light called ball lightning that float in the air for tens of seconds or even minutes; and quick flashes of bright light that resemble regular lightning strikes, except they come out of the ground instead of the sky and can stretch up to 650 feet (200 meters).

    Bizarre Earthquake Lights Finally Explained
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-17-2014, 11:34 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    food for thought :

    “Everybody experienced one’s mother’s heartbeat as an embryonic music. The sound of taiko is rooted in the common memory of mankind beyond different ethnic history. I think that people are drawn to taiko because of our primitive memory of life itself.Eitetsu Hayashi ( Japan's Premier Solo Taiko Drummer )

    ..... 林英哲 Eitetsu Hayashi & 木下伸市 Shinichi Kino****a "海流 -KAIRYU-" - YouTube 林英哲 Eitetsu Hayashi & 木下伸市 Shinichi Kino****a "-SHI-BU-KI-" - YouTube

    Entrainment in the biomusicological sense refers to the synchronization of organisms to an external rhythm , usually produced by other organisms with whom they interact socially. Examples include firefly flashing,[citation needed] mosquito wing clapping,[1] as well as human music and dance such as foot tapping.

    .... The Migration of Symbols: Chapter V. On the Transmutation of Symbols


    Flow is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does. Proposed by Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, this positive psychology concept has been widely referenced across a variety of fields.[1]

    According to Csikszentmihalyi, flow is completely focused motivation. It is a single-minded immersion and represents perhaps the ultimate experience in harnessing the emotions in the service of performing and learning. In flow, the emotions are not just contained and channeled, but positive, energized, and aligned with the task at hand. To be caught in the ennui of depression or the agitation of anxiety is to be barred from flow. The hallmark of flow is a feeling of spontaneous joy, even rapture, while performing a task[2] although flow is also described (below) as a deep focus on nothing but the activity – not even oneself or one's emotions.

    Flow has many of the same characteristics as (the positive aspects of) hyperfocus. However, hyperfocus is not always described in such universally glowing terms. For examples, some cases of spending "too much" time playing video games, or of getting side-tracked and pleasurably absorbed by one aspect of an assignment or task to the detriment of the assignment in general. In some cases, hyperfocus can "grab" a person, perhaps causing him or her to appear unfocused or to start several projects, but complete few.

    Colloquial terms for this or similar mental states include: to be in the moment, present, in the zone, on a roll, wired in, in the groove, on fire, in tune, centered, singularly focused, or going beast mode.

    ( images from: .... Guem et Zaka Percussion (1978) Side B - YouTube ..... Flow .... Hu .... as in Zarat Hu Stra )

    .... Gut Health - Our Second Brain, Point of Red Run!- TAO Drummers of Japan - YouTube


    Artstrology Date Checker

    DATE: Saturday, February 15, 2014

    MAYAN DAY: 9/Imox

    9 is Highest Female Authority. 9 levels of creation.

    ********The 11th day is Imox. Water.********

    Essence of Life. Sometimes symbolized by the Alligator. Problems in families when the mind has lost control.
    Wealth and well being of Water will enrich economy. Keep water clean.
    Great spiritual guides. Specialty to remove all kinds of problems.
    Sacred breast milk.
    Ceremony: In the spring Give thanks for the water, grains and the essence of Life. Pray for rain for grains.
    Ask for the health of the water and the children. Ask for the balance of Life and emotions. October and
    November, again, give thanks for the rain.

    Body parts: Blood, glands and genitals.

    Energy from: Lakes, rivers, streams and fog. Get water from a fresh spring in the morning and add herbs
    to help make medicine. Potential hypnotists.

    8/Imox is a sacred day. Great spiritual guides born here.

    Also it is a good well finding day. They can recognize a shadow and find the water.
    Special day for ceremony for water supply.

    Negative: indecisive, homebodies, anger easily when emotionally unbalanced, if not healing,
    can fall into alcoholism.

    10 DAY DECAN IS:

    The 3rd decan of Aquarius is Water. It is a male decan ruled by Venus. (Feb 9-18)
    A man carrying containers to and fro is dressed in fine furs. He has hairy ears,
    and is wearing a wreath made of leaves, fruit and bark.

    Full Moon
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-15-2014, 06:31 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    ps: .... Herbie Mann - Battle Hymn Of The Republic (1969) - YouTube

    Our Sound Universe: the Music of Susan Alexjander, aka: Susan Alexander

    The Impact of Sound Upon The Body

    No one knows how sound, the raw stuff of creation, impacts our being; our consciousness. Mysteriously, we decode meanings which come to us through sonic carrier waves, perceiving these waves as a full-body experience not only through the ears but directly through the bones, tissue and matter of the body. The body mass feels sound as pressure. We know that the body is constantly piezoelectric, translating pressure into electrical signals, such as the way in which the inner ears send signals to the brain. Sound, therefore, impacts the many realms of the molecular world directly and somehow finds its way to the parts of us that make meanings.

    We know for sure from the work of many medical institutions that sound can affect hormonal levels and other physiological systems of the body. Dr. Valerie Hunt of Malibu Beach, Ca. (4. Infinite Mind: The Science of Human Vibrations.), has done extensive work measuring the strengthening effects of sound upon the auric field, the energy field surrounding the body. Dr. Hunt did most of her research while a professor at UCLA. And there is no doubt that a sophisticated knowledge of resonance has led many practioners and researchers throughout the world to use sound in a variety of successful ways. Some introduce sound frequencies directly into the body with their voices, the client's voice, or by machine. Their methods can often create coherency, allowing the patient's natural healing ability to take over. This harmonious state can clear up chaos and static.

    Communication on all levels, physiological and emotional, often becomes clearer and brighter; healthier. Nature loves these resonant states where very little energy is wasted.

    There is every reason to believe that our psyches and physiologies can recognize the light, infrared patterns of life through the resonance of sound. What we do with that information is anyone's guess.

    In 1988 the author and biologist Dr. David Deamer collaborated on a science/art project which consisted of measuring the vibrational frequencies of the four DNA base molecules, translating them into 'sound,' programming them into a Yamaha synthesizer and using this tuning system as the basis for original compositions entitled Sequencia (1990 and '94 CD). The realization of biological, infrared frequencies into sound has resulted in unusual insights into the harmonic fabric of DNA, and reactions from listeners suggest that our bodies may have a way of recognizing their own electromagnetic patterns through the resonance of tone.

    "See deep enough, and you see musically;
    the heart of Nature being everywhere music,
    if you can only reach it."
    —Thomas Carlyle

    .... Minuscule - Cigale Do Brazil (Chicharra Brasileña) - YouTube

    on a side note : Scientists urged to stop excluding left-handed people from scientific studies

    'One of our studies from 2009 clearly shows why research into left-handed people is so vital', says Willems. 'According to the textbooks, facial recognition takes place in the right half of the brain. Our research revealed that the same process takes place in both halves of the brain in the case of left-handed people, but with the same final outcome. That is a fundamental difference. And left-handed people might process other important information differently as well. The minimal amount of research into this is, in my view, a missed chance for the neurosciences.'

    ..... Is truth stranger than fiction? Yes, especially for science fiction
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-05-2014, 04:18 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    What do women want? It depends on the time of the month

    (Medical Xpress)—If she loves you and then she loves you not, don't blame the petals of that daisy. Blame evolution.

    UCLA researchers analyzed dozens of published and unpublished studies on how women's preferences for mates change throughout the menstrual cycle. Their findings suggest that ovulating women have evolved to prefer mates who display sexy traits – such as a masculine body type and facial features, dominant behavior and certain scents – but not traits typically desired in long-term mates.


    As many of us already know there are some remarkable celestial events coming in 2014 and 2015. There are two sets of lunar and solar eclipses that will take place on or near Jewish Feast dates. There will be lunar eclipses on April 15 and October 8 in 2014 and on April 4 and September 28 in 2015. What makes them remarkable is that in both these years the spring eclipses will come on Passover and the fall ones will come on the Feast of Tabernacles.

    When four consecutive lunar eclipses are all total eclipses the series is called a tetrad. While there will be 6 other tetrads during the 21st Century those in 2014 and 2015 are the only ones that will all come on Feast dates.
    .... Jack Kelly


    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
    Moody Blues ~ Ride My See-Saw - YouTube .... ... Sun today — solar flares online .... [/url]

    .... The Electrical Patterns of Life; The Work of Dr. Harold S. Burr | Men & Women of Medicine | World Research Foundation


    Student and colleague Leonard Ravitz carried Burr's work forward. Ravitz focused on the human dimension, beginning with an investigation of the effects of the lunar cycle on the human L-field. He concluded that the human L-field reaches a peak of activity at the full moon.

    Bad sleep around full moon is no longer a myth


    Main Page - WikiRota


    Human brain, internet, and cosmology: Similar laws at work? .... Giorgio Moroder- Knights In White Satin - YouTube


    Scientists reveal cosmic roadmap to galactic magnetic field

    How magnetic fields of galaxies order and direct galactic cosmic rays is a crucial component to understanding the environment of our galaxy, which in turn influences the environment of our entire solar system and our own environment here on Earth, including how that played into the evolution of life on our planet.

    Read more at:


    Dogs Do Their Doodies And Salmon Swim Home Magnetically : The Two-Way : NPR

    Now, there's word in the journal Current Biology that researchers in Oregon say they've found evidence suggesting that Chinook salmon are born with an "inherited magnetic map" that helps them navigate across thousands of miles of ocean waters and rivers.

    Study finds that fear can travel quickly through generations of mice DNA - The Washington Post

    ..... Kodo - Lion - YouTube

    Othala – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

    We inherit ourselves.”

    Othala - “Oh-th all-ah” – Literally: “Homeland” or “Ancestral Lot” – Esoteric: Inheritance, estate, noble

    Psi: ancestral spiritual power

    Rightful inheritance from ancestral holdings
    Collection of numinous power and knowledge from past generations
    Acquisitions of wealth and property
    Right understanding of global unity
    Security, safety, protection, the walls of Asgard
    Ascension to King amongst men
    Realization of Paradise


    Interactive map of human genetic history revealed ... Kodo - Irodori | Performans - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-14-2014, 03:10 PM.

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