Originally posted by bistander
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Re-Inventing The Wheel-Part1-Clemente_Figuera
Originally Posted by bistander View Post
My interpretation is that there is no galvanic or electrical connection between the induced coil and the inductor coil.
biOriginally posted by boguslaw View PostWhere is that fragment in original patent ? Is that properly translated ?
Did you ever care to read the FIRST part of that sentence from Bistander, bold, underlined, italic and in red?Last edited by Ufopolitics; 11-29-2017, 07:55 PM.Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Volt Drop When loaded
Originally posted by Ufopolitics View PostHello All,
I am working on the core as many of you have read before...
I have used galvanized steel small wires cut as the center core, and indeed it did reduced hysteresis heat, plus avoiding eddy currents the whole output VOLTAGE increased pretty much...however, I am still not happy with it...
I also got some rolls of 0.35 mild steel alloy wire for Mig Welders...
I am still to isolate each wire with tape (big job) and seen if there would be any difference from all contacting wires at core...then I came to realize one thing here...
Once we energize a coil wrapped around a wire steel core...we are also creating an electric field within that core (we could scope-probe that core and see it)...and so, if that core is "shorted" by being contacting electrically...then we will be shorting that generated electric field as well...wouldn't we?
And so, for a pulsed field that collapses and restarts, during the period of "lifetime ON" from that field we will be killing its generated electric field...hence lowering field capabilities.
The other part -related to core design- resumes from my post on the Continuum Thread...then I realize that an open core would be completely detrimental for field "recycling" back and forth...so, would have to work on that part and see differences.
And the issue am having is about huge voltage drops when loaded with High Amps demand loads, like a Halogen Lamp.
If I were to measure OPEN VOLTAGE (means not loaded) from anyone of the Output terminals, it will exceed Voltage Input...and so:
If I were to measure Max Surge Amperage (by shorting it with amp-meter) from that same output...I will also have MUCH HIGHER AMPERAGE than at Input.
But this is not enough to say I have OU above right?...since once loaded voltage drops too much, while amperage remains as high as load would demand, which could easily show way above input amperage.
I believe all this excessive drop is due to core design basically...as core size and geometry directly influences voltage output as well as operating Input Amperage.
This is where I am so far on this...and any input would be appreciated.
Thanks and Regards
I can only comment in terms of conventional induction. Of course the open core would mean reduced flux linkage however, it appears to be behaving in one respect like an arc welder transformer. Perhaps your coiled steel section is shunting some of the flux away from the output, once you start to draw current?
soft iron
Originally posted by Ufopolitics View PostHello All,
I am working on the core as many of you have read before...
I have used galvanized steel small wires cut as the center core, and indeed it did reduced hysteresis heat, plus avoiding eddy currents the whole output VOLTAGE increased pretty much...however, I am still not happy with it...
I also got some rolls of 0.35 mild steel alloy wire for Mig Welders...
I am still to isolate each wire with tape (big job) and seen if there would be any difference from all contacting wires at core...then I came to realize one thing here...
Once we energize a coil wrapped around a wire steel core...we are also creating an electric field within that core (we could scope-probe that core and see it)...and so, if that core is "shorted" by being contacting electrically...then we will be shorting that generated electric field as well...wouldn't we?
And so, for a pulsed field that collapses and restarts, during the period of "lifetime ON" from that field we will be killing its generated electric field...hence lowering field capabilities.
The other part -related to core design- resumes from my post on the Continuum Thread...then I realize that an open core would be completely detrimental for field "recycling" back and forth...so, would have to work on that part and see differences.
And the issue am having is about huge voltage drops when loaded with High Amps demand loads, like a Halogen Lamp.
If I were to measure OPEN VOLTAGE (means not loaded) from anyone of the Output terminals, it will exceed Voltage Input...and so:
If I were to measure Max Surge Amperage (by shorting it with amp-meter) from that same output...I will also have MUCH HIGHER AMPERAGE than at Input.
But this is not enough to say I have OU above right?...since once loaded voltage drops too much, while amperage remains as high as load would demand, which could easily show way above input amperage.
I believe all this excessive drop is due to core design basically...as core size and geometry directly influences voltage output as well as operating Input Amperage.
This is where I am so far on this...and any input would be appreciated.
Thanks and Regards
Excuse me for butting in. First I agree with your previous post of test configuration of NYS, NYN etc. So there must be something else to consider.
However, the purpose of this reply is Soft Iron. John Bedini recommended Soft iron wires for his SSG. Either painted, laquered or rusty. It is easy to produce soft iron. The difficulty is obtaining a small furnace or kiln. JB had one of those. I have one too. All that is necessaryis to heat to about 1000C the wire metal - mild steel - to "Leach" the carbon out of the iron at this high temperature. It is remarkable how supple the wire become after this annealing process. I am sure that with your expertise, you would be able to determine the significance of the use of soft iron were it to be available.
- You have to explain your joke "sea ad" to me. I'm not an english "born" person.
. . sea is not so hard
- Maybe the word "communication" was not translated properly ?
1914 patent: "pero sin que en ningún caso haya
comunicación alguna entre el devanado inducido y el devanado inductor"
- Soft iron must have been more common in the beginning of 1900 than nowadays
But when you begin to see some indications of positive OU results from experiments (100W in 20 000W out) then I think the choice of core material is only a way to improve the results. Principle first impovemet next!
When experimenting I think ferrite is a good choice also.
Regards / ArneLast edited by seaad; 11-30-2017, 12:21 PM.
Originally posted by seaad View Postall
- Soft iron must have been more common in the beginning of 1900 than nowadays
But when you begin to see some indications of positive OU results from experiments (100W in 20 000W out) then I think the choice of core material is only a way to improve the results. Principle first impovemet next!
When experimenting I think ferrite is a good choice also.
Regards / Arne
Ferrite behaves ok with higher frequencies, not here where we are reaching top 60 hZ, besides Max Field with ferrite is not that high.
UfopoliticsPrinciples for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Originally posted by Dwane View PostHello UFO,
Excuse me for butting in. First I agree with your previous post of test configuration of NYS, NYN etc. So there must be something else to consider.
However, the purpose of this reply is Soft Iron. John Bedini recommended Soft iron wires for his SSG. Either painted, laquered or rusty. It is easy to produce soft iron. The difficulty is obtaining a small furnace or kiln. JB had one of those. I have one too. All that is necessaryis to heat to about 1000C the wire metal - mild steel - to "Leach" the carbon out of the iron at this high temperature. It is remarkable how supple the wire become after this annealing process. I am sure that with your expertise, you would be able to determine the significance of the use of soft iron were it to be available.
Yes, I could anneal steel with an Oxygen-Acetylene torch, which I do have one...except my Victor oxygen gauge started leaking and now and so I will need a new one plus more gas...
Just getting a 1000C Chalk, will show whenever reaching those red hot temperatures on the wires...just have to heat it evenly, by "brushing" all the area back-forth without standing at one spot too long.
UfopoliticsPrinciples for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Smart Cores...
Originally posted by Listener192 View PostHi UFO,
I can only comment in terms of conventional induction. Of course the open core would mean reduced flux linkage however, it appears to be behaving in one respect like an arc welder transformer. Perhaps your coiled steel section is shunting some of the flux away from the output, once you start to draw current?
So far we have been using cores as a merely chunk of steel...whether silicon-steel, soft iron or a simple cold rolled steel rod...laminated or not...the point is going beyond that conception, as to make cores "interconnected" to allow its own electrical flow while generating the magnetic fields.
I believe even a copper strap, like we see on AC Induction Motors Stators...or a weld run like transformers have in order to keep plates together...it simply shortens their electric field or electric flow within the material.
I have done this tests which are a simple way to see the signals generated at the cores with a scope while induction is going on, and they are all different depending on core config...for example, a raw cold roll piece of iron would show a very "distorted" wave, randomly spiking and collapsing in a non organized shape...I believe this is absolutely not good, since we must realize on the cores is where everything starts from.
And am not looking to reuse that electric flow from the cores, but just "leaving it exist" while maintaining a uniformity on its Electro-Magnetical development.
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 11-30-2017, 01:21 PM.Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Frequency-Reactions Delays...
Originally posted by seaad View PostUFO
If I should solve the Figuera OU principle I'm more or less convinced that I should not run the final unit at 50 or 60 Hz. Higer freqs gives smaller units and so on. See all apparatus today.
Regards / Arne
Moving JUST the Virtual, Massless Fields through mass (iron cores-copper coils), which is the basic Figuera's principle, should work with lower frequencies, in order for the copper-steel to "catch up" with a too fast moving massless entity.
If you would have done massive experimenting with this facts (like I have done)...you would realize dialing up frequencies must be done "smoothly up" in order to allow mass materials to stay up ("digesting") that "Spiritual Entity" that could travel up to light speeds.
Edit: And then I will add...that even lower frequencies, like half of 50-60 hZ (as low as 15-20 hZ) is where I am seeing better and more robust EM Induction Output (no hysteresis, no eddy currents effect, since core is laminated). Problem here is that when loaded, Source will fluctuate higher, meaning source becomes more "sensitive" to load changes compared to higher, closer to operating speeds frequencies.
But then again, it all depends upon core design and materials used...to allow working with higher frequencies.
Bottom line is that you will get OUT whatever shape-form you are putting IN, that's the way EM Induction works...if you pulse higher freq, then you will get higher frequencies outputs...which in my opinion are not a viable and common energies which could turn on our simple machinery...or even lighting a bulb without blowing it....or simply turning on any Power Supply designed to work with 60 hZ Inputs applicable to any appliance-equipment in our daily life.
Unless you are planning to "bypass PSU's" or modify every single unit you attempt to power up...which I believe is nonsensical.
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 11-30-2017, 02:04 PM.Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
You'r absolutly right. When it comes to SEEK the " OU EFFECT" it's probably good to start testing with low freqs. See pic! ( Iron core??? ) DC BEST!But it is maybe so that the EFFECT is present higer up too, but Clemente couldn't achieve such high freqs as we can today.
Regards / ArneAttached FilesLast edited by seaad; 11-30-2017, 02:56 PM.
Originally posted by seaad View PostUFO
You'r absolutly right. When it comes to SEEK the " OU EFFECT" it's probably good to start testing with low freqs. See pic! ( Iron core??? ) DC BEST!
I really don't see the point on keep debating about Hi-Lo Frequencies here. Got too much work to do!!!
What I am SEEKING FOR, is NOT for an OU Effect, I ALREADY have achieved that part and past through it...actually am starting to getting bored to watch that "effect" over and over...or what you are referring to as "the OU Effect" which is brought in, by moving the massless virtual field(s) back and forth or reversing them or whatever...causing a higher out than in...but that's not all!!
We need to stabilize our devices to work stable...robust and not heating up...development process as improvements come here, refinement...and sophisticated auto-controls, self running its main "heart" pumps...and I could keep going here on and on...and on.
What I am SEEKING for is to build a small, compact unit, which can offer the MAIN REQUIREMENTS for a Human being NECESSITIES to be able to survive in the middle of nowhere, a dessert land, an isolated Island...etc,etc
WITHOUT requiring to run an OIL PIPE with massive, disgusting and polluting gasoline, diesel or any other poisoning fuels.
Not even to run a weedeater man...to cut grass around the house.
That's the point.
Those MAIN SURVIVAL needs are:
2- REFRIGERATION (To keep food frozen, cold drinks, water, etc)
3-Cooking Food (just an Induction stove could do, and even make you some hot coffee...or an Infrared Oven)
4-LIGHTING (LED's would do awesome here!!)
5-MOTORING for like Pumps, Transport and tooling
The rest is just about extra appliances and tooling required to do whatever home work around...like a Water Pump.
NOW, What do you want HF Output FOR??!!
Originally posted by seaad View PostBut it is maybe so that the EFFECT is present higher up too, but Clemente couldn't achieve such high freqs as we can today.
Regards / Arne
1-A Typical TWO POLE HOUSE Generator, will run at 3600 RPM's or 60 hZ, For Europe and other Countries will just do it with 50hZ or 3000 RPM's (LESS)
1A-EXCITATION:These types requires like a 10% Exciting Field oF its total output...so, say it is a 5000W, it just needs like 500W for exciter field to run it FULL BLAST.
2- A FOUR POLE -AND UP- THREE PHASE Generator, Considered within the INDUSTRIAL GRADE will just require 1800 RPM's or like 30hZ!!...And will Output much wattage than the Single Phase.
2A-EXCITATION: Here the more the output, as the greater the Unit...the LESS POWER is required for the Exciter Fields to run units, reducing up to like 2%!!
So, it seems as we "scale up" to Industrial levels we actually need less mechanical power or lower frequencies PLUS Lower Power to Run the Exciting Fields, while achieving higher Energy Outputs...
For a House to fully run, we need one two phase 240V and like 25 A (for all 240, like stoves, water heater, Central AC Units, etc) ...and 120V and like 50A (for all 120 requirement, lights, smaller house appliances, etc)...and that's having all requirements covered...totaling like 15 to 20 Kw
Let's be real here...not just dreaming about things that are definitively not needed for now friend!!
The "OU Effect" will NOT GROW (Duplicate, triplicate, Multiply etc,etc) based on HF for the reasons I have explained before.
The Massless Field(s) can easily afford to move at very Higher Frequencies, no problem with that...BUT NOT THE CAPTURING SIDE which is made of REAL SOLID MASS of Copper and Iron...that simple...AND I am NOT saying in a near future we would not be able to achieve such conditions...on the contrary, we for sure would be able to...BUT:
FOR NOW I like to develop REAL POSSIBILITIES, with REAL Operating frequencies which can make work-run the requirements WE ALL NEED First.
Then we will move on...and on and on...
A Step at a Time Seaad...remember you first learned how to stand up...then to walk slowly, falling sometimes...until you were able to walk steady...then learned to run at higher speeds...but that took years to achieve didn't it?...while falling many times on the process, right?
Well...same here...
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 11-30-2017, 05:56 PM.Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci