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Magnet motor revelation

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  • ron48
    Lot of us watching that are learning
    I have been a member of this site for yrs and the information you have supplied is exceptional. I wish you would continue with your great knowldge and wisdom. I for one do appreciate it and tinsel is just a person who thinks nothing is possible in the search for the truth, disregard his rubbish. Glad the operation went well best wishes to you and yours. Ron

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  • BroMikey
    Hi MadMack

    Sorry about the sluggish progress, I am sure you saw my
    posts on my ultrasonic setup and the tooling took more
    time than I thought. I was going to start punching holes
    when we got word to hold off. I had multiple failures
    where I kept sending out for returns and more parts.

    Not a problem. I pointed out this attitude with others
    who go their own way making motors that claim your
    motor was only speculative. I saw through that right
    away. Call it a 6th sense

    Anyway MadMack good to have you up and att'em
    and the work shop is getting back into shape. I too
    want to thank you for your direction with my first
    test motor.

    I learned more from you in a few hours than I have seen
    be taught in years on this subject. The message of
    cancellation has so many great applications to make
    it possible to tap into magnetic energy without the drag.

    I have never stated that I was way ahead of everybody
    and a magnet motor man who can tell everybody a thing
    or two. Not me, I am trying to get my foot inside of the
    door to learn new things.

    Thanks MadMack, you have the floor SIR. My bearings are
    here and the tooling to use my welder and I will make a plastic
    base soon, all of this for testing. My old motor keeps the dream
    alive, to learn more.

    Okay one thing before I am off to work. The forks "Y" ramps
    are very exciting to me and I have piles of this metal now
    to build ramps that will not become magnetic even tho the
    fields reverse at each pole.

    Glad you made is back form hell May God Bless You

    I worked at a hospital and they would call me into surgery to
    repair machines while in progress. Most people don't realize
    how fragile a human body is.

    Know this, I am glad you are here.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 03-08-2016, 09:43 PM.

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  • RUE
    Glad You are back and going.I have seen enough of the effects that you showed us to know that You know what you are talking about.True known facts.
    You sure taught me a lot and I thank you for it. Hope You will continue to share.

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  • MadMack
    Let's get a few things straight.

    When I came back home I checked this topic to see what had been discussed and accomplished and what did I see?

    Nothing. No meaningful discussion, no experiments, nothing.

    The few people that had shown interest were off on other topics and projects. So be it. I never intended to hand over a complete working model of that particular motor, and I believe that was made clear from the start. If you were willing to experiment and do the work then I was willing to offer suggestions up to a point. Now that ship has sailed and it's not coming back.

    Cristian you know I told you in the beginning that the motor you were building was not the motor I built and I could not offer help with your design. Along with the magnetic balancing I tried to get all of you to build a simple and inexpensive test device to take measurements and experiment with. Instead, you took what little I had revealed and started building expensive motors like I had already given you everything needed. Now you have failed and you are angry so this was all a fake. The logic of that is inescapable.

    Now, as for any new motor, this is exactly what was said in my PM to Dave:
    This might be premature but you may want to hold off on more work with the magnet motor. While recuperating from surgery I had an idea for a much better, more powerful motor. I am home now and getting my workshop put back together. I have acquired most of the materials and will be testing the basic ideas very soon. If it works there will be no restrictions on this one.
    Nothing more.
    If I have anything more to say on this subject you will hear from me.

    I do not need to post anywhere through anyone. Never have and never will.


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  • lorinrandone
    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    You finished what engine? I asked you does it work?
    You need to be logical. What english are you using?

    Do you understand the question?

    I will say this one more time for Christian.

    Is you engine very bad? Sound bad?

    Talk to us.

    Do you have working engine?

    Or not working? sound bad?

    I don't understand.

    Maybe it is a secret? This is okay. Secret Christian

    magnet motor? Yes?

    This is very good, I think

    The motor is Madmack? No?

    Do a video.

    TK is always making jokes about all devices.

    TK has out smarted himself, he has nothing.

    Tk is your friend? And TK is right?

    I think you are mixed up.

    You and TK are buddies? Sorry Christian this is a

    Your motor will work just fine.

    Excuse me, but I thought than you understood. NO, my model presented, not work. Sorry.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by lorinrandone View Post
    If you looked at my photos, I have finished the engine, but after a lot of money and lost time, have not done anything more.
    Good luck to all Christian.
    You finished what engine? I asked you does it work?
    You need to be logical. What english are you using?

    Do you understand the question?

    I will say this one more time for Christian.

    Is you engine very bad? Sound bad?

    Talk to us.

    Do you have working engine?

    Or not working? sound bad?

    I don't understand.

    Maybe it is a secret? This is okay. Secret Christian

    magnet motor? Yes?

    This is very good, I think

    The motor is Madmack? No?

    Do a video.

    TK is always making jokes about all devices.

    TK has out smarted himself, he has nothing.

    Tk is your friend? And TK is right?

    I think you are mixed up.

    You and TK are buddies? Sorry Christian this is a

    Your motor will work just fine.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 03-08-2016, 07:56 AM.

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  • lorinrandone
    Originally posted by Turion
    I quit working on this because Mack said he had a better, simpler design that he would be sharing. So I have no opinion on the validity of this design either way, other than to say that every single specific detail Mack stated would produce a specific effect I have proven accurate on the bench. Whether that could lead to a self runner, I cannot say.

    I HAVE come up with some ELECTRIC mo/gen design ideas that incorporate some of the principles Mack showed us. Citfta recently implemented one of the ideas BASED ON WHAT MACK SAID. It reduced his amp draw by 50%, the motor sped up, and produced more energy. SO please DO NOT discount these principles. They DO work. I am in email contact with Mack, mostly because he saw I was incorporating his ideas into electric motor design, so I do hear from him from time to time.


    A new design?
    But the first where it is. Have been a few words and an extraordinary talent to convince people to follow their ideas, almost a year away and now comes with news (not posting as has been normal) but THROUGH Turion - David, the most respected person energetico forum . David Forgive me but this sounds very bad and not logical.

    If you looked at my photos, I have finished the engine, but after a lot of money and lost time, have not done anything more.
    Good luck to all Christian.

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  • BroMikey
    MadMack emailed Turion said stop building he will be
    back soon to show a better design.

    Your motor is great.

    Does it work?

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  • lorinrandone

    Hi everyone
    I am cristian alba
    It has spent considerable time that this thread is dead, and I think someone needs to clarify what happened. My personal opinion is that there has never been a magnetic device running, belonging to this man MadMack, and that his idea of this motor has been proven by the until has abandoned the thread. I also think his plan was to complete the project with the forum members. Thus, it can be explained as all were true indications, as some have shown (ramps, measures, effects), except the ramp repellency by the North Pole
    it from there the he retired, leaving the participants to this project, to solve the end.
    I remember that after posting a video with some quite commonplace effects (I think thus now, after so many months of attempts) - told me: << do you expect, closes the circles >>
    then the , at that moment, it seemed to me fabulous, but now, after so long, has sounded childlike I was (as now) far from the end something that can not be terminated. I HATE to agree with Tinsel Koala but am bound
    I abandoned this motor last month, after trying all kinds and variations of ramps, rotor diameters, position, etc. I have built a model with six-pole rotor made of in a numerical milling machine. I leave some photos.
    PS. If this man feels provoked, out with his model to prove it is real, if not, stay the anonymity
    regard cristian alba
    Attached Files

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  • BroMikey
    Hey Dave

    I am moving this post into the right thread, I didn't want to see
    those guys kill one another anyway. It really shows some
    of their hearts. I can feel the poison oozing like a bad sore.

    It was time for me to keep house again and I am looking for
    all of my scrap plastic to melt for a huge base as needed.

    I will wait for MadMacks lead of course.

    Originally posted by Turion
    I got a couple PM's from MadMack. He is out of the hospital. He said NOT to continue with the PM motor work. He has a better design he has come up with, and will be sharing soon. You might pass that along on the other thread.

    That sounds awesome Dave, Thanks a Million. I was just about
    to drill my first few holes and my tap for SS is not here. See I
    have a nice Ultrasonic welder I am tooling up for punching plastic
    inserts into as nuts, you understand.

    I figured MACK went down a little longer than he had expected.
    Take care MACK, we all care about you.
    Things will turn out good, you will C
    Last edited by BroMikey; 02-01-2016, 07:54 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Hello MadMack Mag Motor builders

    I have been doing some chicken scratch on paper that is more
    proportionate than the old drawings. The first conceptual drawings
    would only give a slight angling adjustment. See FIG.B below.

    The new drawing is based on my 12" rotor, the bolts and washers
    made of brass are much larger than originally depicted. I am also seeing
    for the first time that it is not necessary to be able to adjust on both
    sides of the center line.

    Drawings and cut outs from paper save time and materials.
    I am slow.

    Last edited by BroMikey; 01-11-2016, 09:44 AM.

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  • BroMikey
    Great going Dave

    of course you saw my parts are coming in but I don't know if
    anyone else is still waiting or planning. The last thing I heard
    MADMACK say was that we needed to make the rotor magnets
    adjustable also which means a lot more work, then it got real

    The other thing is that kind of blows your mind is that feeler
    gauge must be used and then at the same time we were told
    that we could build a system without a lathe but we would
    have to use rotors on many planes to do it that way.

    Then when you really do the experiments and tests like I am
    doing you find out that you need to be within 5 thousandths
    to make sense out of using a feeler gauge, so i don't know.

    Your magnets will not response the same at every station
    unless you are within a piece of paper thickness.

    I am still in for the long haul. I have been drawing and cutting
    paper temp-lets. My compass is small so I will order one, my
    router screams bloody murder on plastic and I need nicely
    arced slots so I am sure thinking.

    Been battling with Bronchial as this is my genetic weakness
    from birth. Bloodroot is saving my other end this time.

    I see you like to try them all. I like your design.
    Last edited by BroMikey; 01-08-2016, 07:09 AM.

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  • Turion
    Just checking to see if everyone has given up on this thread???? That would be a shame. I finally got all the parts I need and have been working on some things, but I need to get my 3d printer up and running to make some of the parts I want to make. I just want to encourage those who are still working in this to talk about it and keep the thread alive.

    Idea for adjusting the magnets attached. It is very similar to something posted already, but I am always looking for ways to make things more flexible.
    Last edited by Turion; 01-15-2018, 11:03 PM.

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  • BroMikey
    Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
    Not sure where people are at with this project, but I found a variation/twist that may give someone and idea they hadn't thought of:

    yes very good geometry I spotted the ramps right away, this is
    the same thing in some ways as the MADMACK MTR. I did some
    drawing and cutting paper modeling parts this week. This requires
    that I make a circular draft of actual size of the rotor to begin
    visualizing best possible mounts for such a wide range of adjustments.

    It really is so awesome to see stator magnets pointed in odd or opposite
    directions from attraction to repulsion, still get cancellation, if I
    only could put this into words. The words Mack said always ring clear
    when he said these adjustments are about eliminating losses as much
    as the are about increasing ramping forces in one direction.

    When you see it with your own eyes you will get it then, 100's of
    pounds of force completely cancelled to where you can push the
    rotor around with a feather and yet all that power can be redirected
    for acceleration.

    It's just getting the mounts to where you can move them accurately
    to get the first step. Still we have other steps.

    I still need to order some special drills and taps to get my inserting
    machine for plastic working better. And with no CNC I have to cut
    every arced slot by hand which maybe cut with a router if guides
    are made.

    Later I will need more mounts for forks. I want to be able to adjust
    the forks also, not only to angle them but to adjust them other ways.

    Rejoice and be glad

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  • Dog-One

    Not sure where people are at with this project, but I found a variation/twist that may give someone and idea they hadn't thought of:


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