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Where will you be October 14?

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  • Quote:
    "I know some people from the wider community are already feeling disillusioned, disappointed & angry that nothing has occurred yet & are ready to begin throwing "bricks" at the people that have brought the messages out."

    Remember, every time you point a finger at someone, there are three more pointing right back at you.

    I would also like to say live and let live, and don't kill the messenger


    • sharyn and everyone

      well there is alot to be experienced and "learned by this" ships or no ships..
      i also was hopeful, but did sway from one end of the scale to the other...
      i am inspired by your courage of speakng your truth sharyn
      its not about being right or wrong anyhow... it about simply being...
      doesn't matter what is said or who says it... what can one take from it.. aka the experience... wat was/is it for you personaly...
      i did consider the possibility of holy crap space ships... and i cried...
      i went within and got to look at what that would mean to me, and also what that would mean to me if they didn't show up...
      what was i banking on them showing up...???
      was it enough to where it affects me...?? a teeny bit of dissapointment, yet some releif.. cuz i wasn't sure if i could handle what that would be for me personally..LMAO

      this is all from my personal perspective.
      i had to check within and see if i was looking for a saviour..
      or if i had any attachements either way..
      as for the arrival of movie type space ships i was doubtful..
      i did share this with one person.. but did feel that there would be something yet not what anyone would be expecting or seeking or looking for..
      yes perhaps i say this now... and i am ok with that as i know the places my mind still goes.
      kudos to your bravery sharyn, and as sharyn I think stuff will still happen... I think stuff has already happened...

      however as the human race.. we are often looking for the big bang.. the instant fix... the drama....
      and it won't be like that... cuz then it would feed the ego...
      what awakens us is never something pre-meditated (lol, not sure if that made sense)
      but what awakens us seems to be what is least expected.. and when we least expect it.
      it is all happening right now... and simply in being aware of this event coming.. well it is here...
      it has already happened for me.. i have shifted and expanded from this and observing myself through what i wanted/needed to happen... Mind you if they wanted to show up, that would be neat too...
      Hmmmmmmm, could we as a planet and a human race handle so much love... just a thought, cuz i know it was part of my internal stuff going on about being visited by LOVE... federation of light... LIGHT IS LOVE...
      and you get the picture...
      what i mean is hmmm, seems like we can tend to push away what is useful and keep, stay with, or defend what isn't useful
      the dualistic thing i guess...
      I think our (aka generally speaking) global view of love and then what love really is are different..
      but keep in mind this is being filtered through my experience... yet also what i have observed..
      lol... stopping now.

      just my thoughts... i actually posted to say hey sharyn i support and love ya... publicly

      ok, beaming up now

      Last edited by Adrienne; 10-16-2008, 06:00 AM.
      Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me


      • Sharyn I support you 100% and also wish you success with your boring backlog tax reports PS: maybe they re not that boring at all with some good music in the background
        Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasn´t been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


        • Sharyn

          I support you too Sharyn as Jure said! We love you and I think its wonderful and what a blessing for you to receive those messages. I wish I was in tuned that way as you are
          With Infinite Love and Gratitude,


          • St Germaine

            I've just sat through St Germaine's video on 10-14 blog. Wow. Perhaps this whole thing is still in motion, just playing out in a way we were not expecting. I really felt the energy - still feeling it.

            Check it out if you havent already....


            • Debra, I watched that video yesterday & I also found the energy & love pouring forth amazing. I connect with all of Ashmarae's channelings of St Germain on an inner level & I love this particular representation of his energy.

              I wish I had time at the moment to discuss more about this whole event & what has transpired since but I am simply unable to do so at the moment due to time constraints.

              Antiquer I thank you for your concern & advice & accept it in the spirit that it was offered. I realise in your eyes that you may see me as unrealistic & unable to view things objectively. I have no such concerns about myself however & have no desire to argue my case or "prove" myself. Suffice to say I have ever been my highest critic, I know how to keep myself fully grounded & I strive at all times to to view everything that I do & everything around me with compassion & from the highest perspective.

              Jure, Christine & Adrienne, I thank you & send love to you & all who are reading this thread.

              With that said here is Mike Quinsey's latest channel:
              SaLuSa 17-October-2008

              My Dear One’s I come again, to address the reactions from the “Sighting”, and it is with sadness and surprise at the negative response of a relatively small number of people. Your Lightworkers are dedicated souls who come to Earth to serve others and help them on their evolutionary path. They often sacrifice much in their lives to follow their ordained path, and seek no glory or recompense for what they do in the name of Love and Light. Without their presence and unstinting loyalty to their cause, I can tell you that you would not be as enlightened as you are now. There is joy and satisfaction in the work they do, and nothing that gives them more happiness and joy to feel that they have helped other seeking souls.

              It is therefore with surprise that I learn of the vociferous and abusive reaction to Blossom Goodchild and her work. She is a courageous soul with great dignity and Love and Light, and is one who seeks to create laughter and happiness around her that has been a feature of her service. Yet in her disappointment as the messenger of the sighting that did not materialise, has been emotionally upset because she feels for everyone who believed in the “Sighting”. There is a facet of the human psyche that is extremely judgemental and “kicks people when they are down”, and perhaps those who felt such negative emotions against her should look within and question them. Human’s are coded genetically so that they can experience emotions, but it is a two edged sword and you can go through all the extremes of love to hate. Part of your spiritual evolution is to learn how to correctly use such powerful energies, and exercise control over your feelings. Coupled with pride that often comes through egotistical thinking, you sometimes forget that you are inherently Spiritual Beings seeking to bring out Love and Light.

              Abuse to the point of threats against the person, is a sad reflection of the violent society you live in, one that your Masters and many others have tried to change through their teachings. We recognise that the challenge to raise up your vibrations in the midst of so much negativity is very difficult, but these are the goals of anyone who aspires to express their Higher Self whilst on Earth. It can be done and a multitude of souls are with you at this time both on and off Earth, who practise and teach self-control. They show you the way to find that quiet spot within where you can contact your Higher Self, your God Self. Therefore if you aspire to experience more of those higher energies through your concentrated efforts, you must seek to live in Love and Light, and lift yourself out of the lower vibrations.

              We of the Star Nations are ascended Beings and have long risen above the lower emotions, and we tell you so that you know it is achievable. We highlight the life of Jesus as an example for the reason that it shows you what can be achieved, and is one that most of you are familiar with. You know the words of the Master about loving others as yourself, and of forgiveness and all of those aspects of a soul living in Love and Light. Indeed, in the ultimate living with the ability to express and act with Unconditional Love to all life forms. It seems to us that the lessons you learn about life are very hard, and you tend to forget them in moments of anger. Karma is also a factor, and in these end times can be brought back to you quite quickly. The fact that you are One is often impressed upon you, yet you forget such an important teaching. Would you cut off your feet to spite your legs, because how you treat others is what comes back to you? . Remember, that what you do to you others you do to yourself.

              We know that the vast majority of you strive very hard to achieve spiritual progress, and that delights us immensely and we will one day soon welcome you on board our ships. They are alive with the higher vibrations of love, and visitors seldom want to leave the harmony, joy and happiness that they feel all around. Unlike Earth there is no negativity or lower vibrations, as we have moved far beyond them. It is possible to create such conditions on Earth, except that you have forgotten who you truly are, and your creative powers to change the existing vibrations. It is understood by us that you face immense opposition to bringing love fully into being, but as you know there is a Divine Plan of which we are an integral part that will achieve it in readiness for Ascension.

              Duality is a fast track cycle that allows for great progress along your spiritual path, but there is of course a down side if you stray away from it. Nevertheless, there is a silver lining to every cloud and that is the lessons that you learn from your experiences. It is human to make mistakes and no one in the higher realms will admonish you for them, but we do try our best to help you understand how to lift yourselves up and progress as a result. You came originally from the higher dimensions as highly evolved souls, and through the fall into the lower vibrations have suffered amnesia and have forgotten it. You have every potential within to regain your higher position, and as your consciousness continues to rise up so you open yourself to even greater possibilities of advancement.

              We of the Galactic Federation and other groups of Space Beings, along with advanced souls from even higher realms are with you even if unseen. We are guiding you towards an epic and unique opportunity to leave this cycle of duality for once and for all. It is carried out with Love and Light and great respect for you all, and we do mean “all”, and we see your different vibrations and how low they are in some instances. However we also see that each and everyone carries a Spark of God within, even if its Light is diminished. We love you for what you really are and see beyond your physical body, and know you have the strength to find your way back to the path of Light. It is our mission to help you achieve it, and we ask you to follow our example by helping your fellow souls with love through their torment and troubles.

              I am SaLuSa from Sirius and know you can feel from the heart, the home of the soul. Be kindly and loving and start with Self, and you will find that you will lift up out of the lower vibrations. Not only that, but you will also be able to protect yourself against them and become a beacon of Light amidst the darkness. Be of Love and live your lives as you would have others live theirs

              Thank you SaLuSa
              Mike Quinsey.

              Love, Light & Blessings to All
              Theta Healing
              Paths 2 Potential

              "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


              • I was driving today (in Puerto Rico) and I saw this car in front of me with a Texas license plate. Look at the numbers before TX.....
                Attached Files


                • Originally posted by ANTIQUER View Post
                  Hi Sharyn;

                  Having said that there were several reasons not to believe in this. I don't believe there are any aliens out there to "channel" to anyone. One simple proof is this: Science says nothing travels faster than the speed of light. Therefore a 2-way message from any where mentioned in these postings would take several light years, not a few hours or days, much less allow for questions back and forth.

                  Dear Al,

                  Thought just to mention about Quantum Entanglement Quantum entanglement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  This proves that in order for communication to occur there is no need to "travel" and communication can happen instantaneously. This is a known scientific fact.

                  But the unknown scientific facts are so vast that makes many things possible that our physical mind even may not be able to perceive.

                  Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                  • Test


                    I think that this event can be considered as a test for our love, how much can we love each other without attaching conditions? This forum proved to be some special forum, and passed the test, unlike most forums! The space people are going to show up eventually. There are many entities out there some envy humanity, and some love, and we are under our test for love by both sides.

                    I am so grateful for being a part of this forum!

                    Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                    • Wonderful Elias!

                      Dear Elias,

                      I just want you to know that I think you are a Beautiful Blessing to this forum and I LOVE reading your wonderful posts. It is crystal clear that your heart is filled with Love and Light and my appreciation for you is deep! I thought of you and the other fabulous people who read this thread when I came across this article this morning by Willaru Huayta and I thought I would pass it along. I have a feeling that most of the Lovies here will greatly enjoy it!

                      London Spirit Guide - Spiritual Articles - Planetary Mission of the Extraterrestrials - Inca Spiritual Messenger_Willaru Huayta(54)

                      Oh, Al...from reading your posts, I expect you won't resonate to this article and probably find it delusional, so you might not want to waste your time reading it...

                      My Sharyn... I am sending you my Love and hope to speak to you very soon!

                      With Much Love and Gratitude to You All,

                      My PATHS Website
                      My Art Website
                      My Paintings As Prints
                      My Facebook


                      • That was really interesting Pamela I have not heard of this person previously, nor am I familiar with the newsletter. I just signed up to start receiving them.

                        Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                        • Delusions

                          Oh, Al...from reading your posts, I expect you won't resonate to this article and probably find it delusional, so you might not want to waste your time reading it...
                          Well,gosh Pamela, you really must be psychic!

                          Actually, I resonate with the best selling book of all time, the Bible. I know the author personally. He is the ultimate giver of light, love and peace so I stick with reading his word for encouragement and enlightenment.



                          • Hi Lovies!

                            Hi Pammie! I just happened on this article synchronistically and I thought it was worth sharing! I am so glad to hear you enjoyed it!

                            Hi Al! Psychic??? Hmmm... Maybe a little, but I'm working on getting better at it! Oh...and are SO right! God IS Love, Light and Peace and I find Him Everywhere! But, no matter how we know Him or where we find Him, I think we can both agree that we are truly Blessed to KNOW the Love, Light and Peace of God!

                            With Much Love and Gratitude,

                            My PATHS Website
                            My Art Website
                            My Paintings As Prints
                            My Facebook


                            • Quantum Entanglement

                              Hi Elias.

                              This is only a theory that is full of "loopholes" which has not been proven as fact and therefore proves nothing. Most of the scientific community disregard it.

                              Excerpt and Einstein's quote from the article in Wikipedia;


                              Entanglement is one of the properties of quantum mechanics that caused Einstein and others to dislike the theory. In 1935, Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen formulated the EPR paradox, a quantum-mechanical thought experiment with a highly counterintuitive and apparently nonlocal outcome, in response to Niels Bohr's advocacy of the belief that quantum mechanics as a theory was complete. Einstein famously derided entanglement as "spukhafte Fernwirkung" or "spooky action at a distance." In fact, it was his belief that future mathematicians would discover that quantum entanglement entailed nothing more or less than an error in their calculations. As he once wrote: "I find the idea quite intolerable that an electron exposed to radiation should choose of its own free will, not only its moment to jump off, but also its direction. In that case, I would rather be a cobbler, or even an employee in a gaming house, than a physicist.”

                              And also;

                              Observations pertaining to entangled states appear to conflict with the property of relativity that information cannot be transferred faster than the speed of light. Although two entangled systems appear to interact across large spatial separations, the current state of belief is that no useful information can be transmitted in this way, meaning that causality cannot be violated through entanglement. This is the statement of the no-communication theorem.

                              Even if information can not be transmitted through entanglement alone, it is believed that it is possible to transmit information using a set of entangled states used in conjunction with a classical information channel. This process is known as quantum teleportation. Despite its name, quantum teleportation may still not permit information to be transmitted faster than light, because a classical information channel is required to complete the process.

                              I agree that there is an incalculable amount of science yet to be discovered. New and fascinating stuff is revealed constantly, but I don't believe this world will be around in it's present state long enough for us to make an appreciable dent in what we don't know. It is fun trying, though.



                              • I just made a new blogspot Eyes to the skies
                                Feel free to send me any finds you come accross and I will post it on the site with thanks.

