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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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    The highest excellence is like (that of) water. The excellence
    of water appears in its benefiting all things, and in its occupying,
    without striving (to the contrary), the low place which all men
    dislike. Hence (its way) is near to (that of) the Tao.

    The excellence of a residence is in (the suitability of) the place;
    that of the mind is in abysmal stillness; that of associations is in
    their being with the virtuous; that of government is in its securing
    good order; that of (the conduct of) affairs is in its ability; and
    that of (the initiation of) any movement is in its timeliness.

    And when (one with the highest excellence) does not wrangle (about
    his low position), no one finds fault with him. Tao Te Ching
    by Lao-tzu
    Southern Cross with lyrics - Crosby, Stills, and Nash - YouTube

    Got out of town on a boat
    Goin' to Southern islands.
    Sailing a reach
    Before a followin' sea.
    She was makin' for the trades
    On the outside,
    And the downhill run
    To Papeete.
    Off the wind on this heading
    Lie the Marquesas.
    We got eighty feet of the waterline.
    Nicely making way.
    In a noisy bar in Avalon
    I tried to call you.
    But on a midnight watch I realized
    Why twice you ran away.
    Think about how many times
    I have fallen
    Spirits are using me
    larger voices callin'.

    What heaven brought you and me
    Cannot be forgotten.
    I have been around the world,
    Lookin' for that woman/girl,
    Who knows love can endure.
    And you know it will.
    And you know it will.

    When you see the Southern Cross
    For the first time
    You understand now
    Why you came this way
    'Cause the truth you might be runnin' from
    Is so small.
    But it's as big as the promise
    The promise of a comin' day.

    So I'm sailing for tomorrow
    My dreams are a dyin'.
    And my love is an anchor tied to you
    Tied with a silver chain.
    I have my ship
    And all her flags are a flyin'
    She is all that I have left
    And music is her name.
    Think about how many times
    I have fallen
    Spirits are using me
    larger voices callin'.
    What heaven brought you and me
    Cannot be forgotten.

    I have been around the world,
    Lookin' for that woma/girl,
    Who knows love can endure.
    And you know it will.
    And you know it will.
    So we cheated and we lied
    And we tested
    And we never failed to fail
    It was the easiest thing to do.
    You will survive being bested.

    Somebody fine
    Will come along
    Make me forget about loving you.
    At the Southern Cross.


    Child of Vision - Roger Hodgson, Writer and Composer - YouTube

    Child Of Vision lyrics
    Songwriters: Davies, Richard; Hodgson, Roger;

    Who do you think you're foolin'?
    You say you're having fun
    But you're busy going nowhere
    Just lying in the sun

    You tried to be a hero
    Commit the perfect crime
    But the dollar got you dancing
    And you're running out of time

    You're messin' up the water
    You rolling in the wine
    Got poison in your body
    Got poison in your mind

    And you gave me coca cola
    You said it tasted good
    Then you watch the television
    And to tell that you should go

    How can you live in this way?
    (What do you think it's so strange)
    You must have something to say
    (You tell me why should I change)
    We have no reason to fight
    'Cos we both know that we're right

    Child of vision, won't you listen?
    Find yourself a new ambition

    I've heard it all before
    You're saying nothing new
    I thought I saw a rainbow
    But I guess it wasn't true

    You cannot make me listen
    And I cannot make you hear
    So you find your way to heaven
    And I'll meet you when you're there

    How can you live in this way?
    (What do you think it's so strange)
    You must have something to say
    (You tell me why should I change)
    We have no reason to fight
    'Cos we both know that we're right

    Child of vision, won't you listen?
    Find yourself a new ambition


    'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
    John Keats
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-26-2012, 06:21 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • voices of the desert

      Tinariwen - Tenere Taqhim Tossam (Official Video) - YouTube

      love their Rythm

      ‫عشتار Goddess Ishtar‬‎ - YouTube

      Wah Wah - Robert Plant

      Wah Wah - Jimmy Page & Robert Plant - YouTube

      From my island home I feel a chance
      Kiss the tide - goes time and circumstance
      Give me peace of mind and let me dance
      Bury all my pain of years beneath the sand
      On my heels these wings I gladly wear
      Laugh into the face of anger and despair
      Give me peace of mind and let me dance
      Bury all my pain of years beneath the sand

      Nass El Ghiwane London 1980 By - YouTube .....34 20

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • When the beat goes off: Errors in rhythm follow pattern, physicists find

        Rhythm pulses inside the brain of a Ghanaian drummer, sitting in a physics laboratory in Gottingen, Germany. His hands caress the skin of a bongo drum, guided by the metronome’s tick through his headphones. He plays for five minutes, filling the sterile lab environment with staccato sounds, as a team of physicists records him, searching for a pattern.
        When they analyzed the drummer’s playing statistically, Hennig and colleagues found that his errors were correlated across long timescales: tens of seconds to minutes. A given beat depended not just on the timing of the previous beat, but also on beats that occurred minutes before.
        “You can have these trends,” said Hennig. “For example, the drummer plays ahead of the beat for 30 consecutive beats, while half a minute earlier, he tended to play slightly behind the metronome clicks. These trends are pleasant to the ear.

        The trends, Hennig found, are correlated: Patterns of fluctuations are likely to be repeated. “This property is found for short and long patterns — hence on different timescales, ” Hennig explained. “The pattern can be seen as a fractal — a self-similar structure.” Fractal patterns are the recurring shapes seen in snowflakes, the leaves of a fern, and “even the coastline of Britain,” Hennig said. “If you zoom into a fractal, you see something that looks similar to the whole thing again.” Deviations in human musical rhythms, like snowflakes and coastlines, are fractals.

        The discovery that human errors in musical rhythm follow a pattern could influence how audio engineers “humanize” computer-generated music.

        Tinariwen - Aman Iman (Water is Life) - (7) Imidiwan Winakalin - YouTube

        A Man (Water) = I Man ( Life )
        , and Aman (water ) sounds like Amen Amen-Amin Qawwali Gospel Faiz Ali Faiz Holy Ecstasy - YouTube

        Tinariwen-Tenhert - YouTube

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-26-2012, 11:34 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • matching Patterns

          The Aisha Prophecy :: Reader comments at Daniel Pipes

          The Aisha Prophecy always keep in mind the perspective of the seer

          Here's what I've been able to find out.
          It's an early 12th century prophecy by a Berber chieftain and mystic named Muhammed ibn Tumart.
          Here is the text of the prophecy.

          "The Lady of the Camel will come, born again, to show men that they have fallen into error. She comes to raise up the women of Islam. She comes to teach and she comes to bring justice. It is not revealed when, but she will come. She will be of the East, but turn your eyes to the West because that is where her banner will unfurl. She will have grown up among you, dressed in white, pure of heart, until the day when she reaches full womanhood. The flame-haired angel, Qaila, sent to guide her and protect her, will, on that day, reveal to her that she is the Lady of the Camel reborn. She will know that it is true and she will come. She will speak to all nations with words writ on wind. Her words will ride the lightning. They will be as shooting stars. And the angel, Qaila, will be with her, sword in hand. Woe to those who would deny the truth of her words. Woe to those who would silence her. Woe to those who would slay her. The angel, Qaila, will send them to hell."
          Tinariwen Toumast - Aman Iman - YouTube

          FOUM HANCH = Mouth of the Snake :

          more on it here :

          Science and mathematics
          Upper case

          Upper case Σ is used as a symbol for:
          the summation operator

          The Message of Fatima

          After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand; flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire; but they died out in contact with the splendour that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand:



          this is a great part of the Legend of White Buffalo Woman :

          Native American, the White Buffalo

          The White Buffalo Woman also talked to the children, because they have an understanding beyond their years
          . She told them that what their fathers and mothers did was for them, that their parents could remember being little once, and that they, the children, would grow up to have little ones of their own. She told them: "You are the coming generation, that's why you are the most important and precious ones. Some day you will hold this pipe and smoke it. Some day you will pray with it."

          She spoke once more to all the people: "The pipe is alive; it is a red being showing

          you a red life and a red road. And this is the first ceremony for which you will use the pipe. You will use it to Wakan Tanka, the Great Mystery Spirit. The day a human dies is always a sacred day. The day when the soul is released to the Great Spirit is another. Four women will become sacred on such a day. They will be the ones to cut the sacred tree, the canwakan, for the sun dance."

          She told the Lakota that they were the purest among the tribes, and for that reason Tunkashila had bestowed upon them the holy chanunpa. They had been chosen to take care of it for all the Indian people on this turtle continent.

          She spoke one last time to Standing Hollow Horn, the chief, saying, "Remember: this pipe is very sacred. Respect it and it will take you to the end of the road. The four ages of creation are in me; I am the four ages. I will come to see you in every generation cycle. I shall come back to you."

          The sacred woman then took leave of the people, saying: " Toksha ake wacinyanitin ktelo, I shall see you again."

          To the other scout who had behaved rightly, the White Buffalo Woman said: "Good things I am bringing, something holy to your nation. A message I carry for your people from the buffalo nation. Go back to the camp and tell the people to prepare for my arrival. Tell your chief to put up a medicine lodge with twentyfour poles. Let it be made holy for my coming."


          "Faith. The world will go looking for, without to see, and seeing, it will not see, it will fall down and will stand up with the Virgin." (year 1939)
          A Man (Water) = I Man ( Life ) , and Aman (water ) sounds like Amen Amen-Amin Qawwali Gospel Faiz Ali Faiz Holy Ecstasy - YouTube

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-27-2012, 12:57 AM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Angel Qaila:

            QAILA = 1 1 13 1 = HM 7

            Tinariwen Soixante Trois - YouTube title : 63

            a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

            Berber people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            AMAZIGH ⵉⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⴻⵏ = 1 + 4 + 1 + 7 + 1 + 3 + 5 = 22 = 4

            4 - High Priestess


            The Shining Queen, who rules the velvet night,
            And nurtures nascent change, concealed from sight,
            Transforms and changes, wheeling light and dark,
            And seeks the Sun to sire the unseen spark.

            The watery depths bring forth the Child of Light.
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-27-2012, 12:59 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Let us Journey into the Land Of the "Sons of Giants"

              Berber Mythology

              Berber Mythology: List of Libyan Mythological Goddesses & Gods:

              Poseidon / Neptune :

              According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the Greeks obtained their knowledge of the Sea-God Poseidon from the Libyans (meaning the Berbers), whose cult was in high repute among the coastwise Libyans, and was especially worshipped about Lake Tritonis; while Plato says Poseidon was the chief God of Atlantis; arguably located near the Atlas Mountain in North Africa. Poseidon's son Triton was also worshipped around the Lake, and, according to Ibid, his female counterpart "Tritonis" bore the Goddess "Athena". Poseidon's wife, Libya, was made the daughter of Zeus's son Epaphus, the divine bull, the Libyan Gurzil.

              Sources of Documented Berber Mythology:

              A considerable amount of the traditional lore of the matriarchal Berbers is still based on the worship of the Ancestors and the Dead. Most of the Berbers' ancestral doctrines also form an integral part of the jinn lore. Westermarck had pointed out that many of the Berber religious and mythological principles were practiced mostly by Berber women under the disguise of Tomb Worship, where women regularly visit the tombs and perform various rituals in association with the ancient ancestors and the dead, such as receiving sacred prophecy through dreams obtained by sleeping in tombs of holy ancestors. This current practice, according to Herodotus, goes back to the ancient Libyan Nasamon Berbers, and it may even go back much farther in time since sacred traditions are indeed carried forward from previous generations. The ancient Libyan Nasamons took oath at the graves of persons who were reputed for justice and transparency. In addition to tomb-worship, complete traditions from the Berbers' previous mythology remain alive in various traditions and festivals. Saharan prehistoric art, Berber jewellery, Berber folklore and music have all preserved other fragmented elements of Berber belief and mythology. In addition to that, we also have Egyptian and Greek mythologies as a documented source, in which various references to Libyan mythology were preserved for generations to come, such as the worship of Amon, Ament, Antaeus, Bast, Nit, Poseidon and Shu.
              List of Berber Mythological Goddesses & Gods:

              The Berber Pantheon:
              Afri, Afrika: a Berber goddess of fortune and fertility
              Ammon: Life-God
              Ancestors: a relationship similar to that existing between the totem and the worshipper
              Anzar: Rain-God
              Ashaman ( A Shaman ): God: among the ancient Berber Canary Islanders
              Atlas: Libyan Mountain-God
              Auliswa: worshipped at Pomaria (Tlemcen)
              Awessu: Sea-God (?)
              Bacax: (cf. Bacchus: Grape-God): dedications found in a grotto of Taia near Calama (Guelma)
              Froarangan: Canarian God of men
              Genius of Africa (genius Africae): a female spirit
              Guraya: name of a saint in Kabylie
              Gurzil: Libyan Sun-God, also god of war, in Syrtes (Sirte)
              Idir: name of a divinity; also found in Baliddir
              Iguc: god of the rain, among the Berghwata of Morocco (cf. Yakush)
              Illu: Tuareg god
              Jnoun: the Jinn
              Libya: Goddess of Libya
              Lilu: synonymous with rain water ( sounds like lily )

              Mastinam: Libyan god associated with Jupiter
              [Medusa]: Gorgon Sisters: Serpent-goddess
              Moreyba: Canary Berber goddess of Women
              Nanna Tala: Nafousah Mountain (Libya) Spring-Goddess
              [Poseidon]: Libyan Sea-god
              Shaheded: a Libyan goddess
              Sinifere: a war god among the Luguata, identified with Mars
              Suggan (Seggen)
              Tannit: the Libyan Goddess of Weaving, worshipped by the Phoenicians as Tanit
              Tiliwa (Tiliva)
              Yakush: God

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-27-2012, 01:23 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • The Libyan Amazons:

                According to several historical records, the Libyan birthplace of the Goddess Neith was also the traditional homeland of the warrior women known as the Libyan Amazons, in the western parts of Libya, particularly around the legendary Lake Tritonis (southern Tunisia today). The etymology of the name "Amazon" is still undecided, with European enthusiasts deriving the name from Greek Muse, and Berberists linking it with Amazigh and Tamezyant.

                The purely matriarchal world of the Amazons was ruled by women warrior-priestesses, in which they followed a manner of life unlike those that which prevailed among other races at the time or those that followed. There were a number of fake tales about removing one of their breasts in order to be able to shoot better (using the arrow & bow) and about abandoning their sons, without presenting any evidence; leading to careful mythographers to suggest that these were no more than mere patriarchal allegations to discredit matriarchy; and hence the whole existence of the Amazons itself was dismissed as "myth".

                The Libyan Gorgon Medusa, who often led the Libyans of Lake Tritonis in battle, against her enemies, was said to have once been a beautiful maiden until Poseidon lay with her and incurred the enmity of the goddess Athena, who turned Medusa's lovely hair into serpents and made her face so hideous that a glimpse of it would instantly turn man into stone. Jealous Athena helped brave Perseus, who was coming from Argos with an army, to behead Medusa; and the drops of blood that fell from Medusa's severed head onto the Libyan sand were transformed into snakes.
                AMAZON = A MA ZON


                A (Moon) Longevity


                MA ma म : time; water ; happiness; a magical formula; moon; brahman; viSNu; siva; of yama; a syllabic foot consisting of three long syllables; name of the fifth note in music in Indian music.


                ZON (not sure for this one ) .... either Belt or SUN

                .......... try to piss off one woman ... much less 10000
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • isn't that the trident of Poseidon / Neptune


                  Psi (/ˈpsaɪ/ or /ˈsaɪ/; uppercase Ψ, lowercase ψ; after Greek ψῖ /ˈpsiː/) is the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet and has a numeric value of 700 ( or HM 7 like angel QAILA ) . In both Classical and Modern Greek, the letter indicates the combination /ps/ (like in English "lapse").

                  In Greek loanwords in Latin and modern languages with Latin alphabets, Psi is usually transliterated as "ps". In English, due to phonotactic constraints, its pronunciation is usually simplified to /s/ at the beginning of a word.

                  Historically, the letter is a Greek innovation and not derived from the Phoenician alphabet. It appears in the 7th century BC, expressing /ps/ in the Eastern alphabets, but /kʰ/ in the Western alphabets (the sound expressed by Χ in the Eastern alphabets). Epigraphically, the early letter appears in an angular shape (). There were early graphical variants which omitted the stem ("chickenfoot-shaped psi" ).

                  The Western letter (expressing /kʰ/, and later /x/) was adopted into the Old Italic alphabets, and its shape is also continued into the Algiz rune of the Elder Futhark. The classical Greek letter was adopted into the early Cyrillic alphabet as Ѱ.

                  as in

                  Psi is a term from parapsychology derived from the Greek, ψ psi, 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet; from the Greek ψυχή psyche, "mind, soul".[1][2]

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-27-2012, 02:07 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • one more info

                    Selon le calendrier agraire berbère, inversion des pôles en 2012. - Le blog de @@nickname@@


                    The Mayan calendar Berber calendar and have much in common. According to the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012 would mark the end of a long count, which takes about 5125 years. According to the Berber calendar, the Earth rotates on the horn of a minotaur, and the solstice of 2012, the minotaure change horn.

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • a nice synchronicity for you

                      Windmill Hill of July 25, 2012 may represent a “lunar crescent” over a “trident”, to symbolize a conjunction of our Moon with planet Neptune on August 3-4, 2012

                      A new crop picture at Windmill Hill on July 25, 2012 has astonished many people with its elegance and beauty. Yet what could the many symbols shown there be trying to tell us? On an overall level, it seems to show an artistic metaphor relating a “crescent” symbol for our Moon to a “trident” symbol for planet Neptune:
                      read on the comments .... quite long

                      Crop Circle at Windmill Hill, nr Avebury, Wiltshire. Reported 25th July 2012.

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Brave New World - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Sun today — solar flares online

                        Brave New World

                        Brave New World is a novel written in 1931 by Aldous Huxley and published in 1932. Set in London of AD 2540 (632 A.F. in the book), the novel anticipates developments in reproductive technology and sleep-learning that combine to change society. The future society is an embodiment of the ideals that form the basis of futurology. Huxley answered this book with a reassessment in an essay, Brave New World Revisited (1958) and with his final work, a novel titled Island (1962).

                        In 1999, the Modern Library ranked Brave New World fifth on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century.[1]
                        Brave New World's ironic title derives from Miranda's speech in William Shakespeare's The Tempest, Act V, Scene I( hm 6 ) :[2]
                        O wonder!
                        How many goodly creatures are there here!
                        How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,
                        That has such people in't.
                        —William Shakespeare, The Tempest, Act V, Scene I, ll. 203—6[3]
                        Huxley said that Brave New World was inspired by the utopian novels of H.G. Wells, including A Modern Utopia (1905) and Men Like Gods (1923).[5] Wells' hopeful vision of the future's possibilities gave Huxley the idea to begin writing a parody of the novel, which became Brave New World. Unlike the most popular optimist utopian novels of the time, Huxley sought to provide a frightening vision of the future. Huxley referred to Brave New World as a "negative utopia" (see dystopia), somewhat influenced by Wells' own The Sleeper Awakes (dealing with subjects like corporate tyranny and behavioral conditioning) and the works of D. H. Lawrence.

                        George Orwell believed that Brave New World must be partly derived from the novel We by Yevgeny Zamyatin.[6][7]
                        3 Plot
                        3.1 The Introduction (Chapters 1–6)
                        3.2 The Reservation and the Savage (Chapters 7–9)
                        3.3 The Savage visits the World State (Chapters 10–18)

                        Table of Contents

                        Chapter One
                        Chapter Two
                        Chapter Three
                        Chapter Four
                        Chapter Five
                        Chapter Six
                        Chapter Seven
                        Chapter Eight
                        Chapter Nine
                        Chapter Ten
                        Chapter Eleven
                        Chapter Twelve
                        Chapter Thirteen
                        Chapter Fourteen
                        Chapter Fifteen
                        Chapter Sixteen
                        Chapter Seventeen
                        Chapter Eighteen

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-27-2012, 04:32 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Belus: Berber Mythology: List of Libyan Mythological Goddesses & Gods:

                          King Belus, who ruled at Chemmis, was the son of the Goddess Libya by Poseidon, and the twin brother of Agenor and Lelex. His wife Anchinoe, daughter of the Nile-god, Nilus, bore him the twins Aegyptus and Danaus and a third son Cepheus, and one daughter: Lamia, the Libyan Snake-goddess. See Robert Graves (The Greek Myths: I, 200 - 202.



                          "Lamia" is a narrative poem written by English poet John Keats in 1820.[1]
                          The poem tells how the god Hermes hears of a nymph who is more beautiful than all. Hermes, searching for the nymph, instead comes across a Lamia, trapped in the form of a serpent. She reveals the previously invisible nymph to him and in return he restores her human form. She goes to seek a youth of Corinth, Lycius, while Hermes and his nymph depart together into the woods. The relationship between Lycius and Lamia, however, is destroyed when the sage Apollonius reveals Lamia's true identity at their wedding feast, whereupon she seemingly disappears and Lycius dies of grief.
                          The poem had a deep influence on Edgar Allan Poe's sonnet "To Science", specifically lines 229–238 and the discussion of the baleful effects of "cold philosophy":

                          Finding the Inner Serpent | The Best of Habibi

                          Gazing up at an alabaster statue of the Virgin Mary as a young Catholic schoolgirl, my training with the Goddess began. Fascinated with the serpent at Her feet, it seemed friendly, rather than the foe the Church said it represented. The Virgin was supposed to be stamping out evil, but the serpent looked alive and happy.

                          Lamia - Libyan Serpent Goddess. Daughter of Heaven and Great Lady. Serpent with a woman's head and breasts.


                          Contents [hide]
                          1 Symbolic values frequently assigned to serpents
                          1.1 Fertility and rebirth
                          1.2 Guardianship
                          1.3 Poison and medicine
                          1.4 Vengefulness and vindictiveness

                          2 Mythological serpents
                          2.1 Dragons
                          2.2 Sea serpents
                          2.3 Cosmic serpents
                          2.4 Chthonic serpents and sacred trees
                          2.5 Nagas
                          2.6 Nagas of Indochina
                          2.7 Greek mythology
                          2.8 Nordic mythology
                          2.9 African mythology

                          2.10 Native American mythology
                          3 Snake worship in the Ancient Near East
                          4 Serpents in Judeo-Christian tradition
                          5 Serpents in modern symbolism
                          5.1 Modern medicine
                          5.2 Modern political propaganda
                          6 See also


                          Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                          In India, nāgas are considered nature spirits and the protectors of springs, wells and rivers. They bring rain, and thus fertility, but are also thought to bring disasters such as floods and drought.

                          The nāgas also carry the elixir of life and immortality[citation needed]. Garuda once brought it to them and put a cup with elixir on the ground but it was taken away by Indra. However, few drops remained on the grass. The nāgas licked up the drops, but in doing so, cut their tongues on the grass, and since then their tongues have been forked.

                          In the Rig-Veda of Hinduism, there is mention of the golden mean hidden at the centre of a Fibonacci pyramid- symbolised as a sacred mountain- Mount Meru. The 'mountain' with it's naga are symbolic of the diagonal Fibonacci lines that spiral/ coil around the pyramid. Venus as we know her, or Shukra the Vedic version is Lord of the Naga's and she is personified at the centre of the pyramid.
                          ps: a Mermaid can fit the bill too ( water snakes exist )

                          Berber tattoos

                          Hanna my grandma had a very small berber tattoo on her forehead which she got when she was just a little girl, part of an old, feminine, beautifying tradition in the Moroccan berber communities.
                          Middle Eastern Tribal Tattoos

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-27-2012, 05:32 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • just a little reminder

                            you can pdf print this thread .... take the time to do so ....

                            and THE BENJAMIN SOLARI PARRAVICINI's PROPHETIC MESSAGE - by Tomás Latino

                            Interplanetary ships, invisible to the human eye, are coming right now to the earth. These beings, invisible to the human eye, have always coexisted in our planet, and they dwell in temples and convents because they are mystics and they tray to impose the faith. (year 1939)

                            The amphibious interplanetary ship will prove the existence of habitable channels inside the earth. It will submerge in the South Pole and will reappear in the North Pole. Just soon afterwards! (year 1960)

                            he also predicted SHTF during the london olympics according to some interpretations

                            will try to find a translation later ...

                            also: 2012 Galactic Alignment, Part One. - YouTube

                            google translation:

                            "Fire, famine, pestilence, death bell echoes the righteous who approaches the world, even more so the world does not hear or see. Comes the darkness of the dragon that seemed asleep. Come bear pretended terror of love and brotherhood. Comes humble Democrat was not ever, and comes with it poverty, without shelter and with all the explosions elos disintegration. Comes the dark and then light the South!And the cross!
                            very Galactic Alignment like
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-27-2012, 06:50 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.



                              Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

                              M-CLASS FLARE: Newly-emerging sunspot AR1532 unleashed an M2.7-class solar flare on July 27th at approximately 1726 UT. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the extreme ultraviolet flash.

                              The explosion does not appear to have produced a substantial CME (Coronal Mass Ejection). Even if it did, Earth is not in the line of fire. This sunspot will, however, become more geoeffective in the days ahead as it slowly turns toward Earth. Stay tuned for updates.

                              The Classification of X-ray Solar Flares

                              Spaceweather Glossary: The Classification of X-ray Solar Flares

                              Thank you IndianaBoys .... as usual always a pleasure reading your posts
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-27-2012, 10:26 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • The J in the picture is also known as Scorpio in Astrotheology

                                The Atlantean Conspiracy: Astrotheology (part 3)

                                How to Find the Scorpio Constellation |

                                The stars align to form what looks like either a fish hook or the letter "J," depending upon your point of view. Much of this part of Scorpius lies within the Milky Way, meaning it has star clusters and a hazy appearance to it.

                                Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                                just a little reminder

                                you can pdf print this thread .... take the time to do so ....

                                and THE BENJAMIN SOLARI PARRAVICINI's PROPHETIC MESSAGE - by Tomás Latino

                                Interplanetary ships, invisible to the human eye, are coming right now to the earth. These beings, invisible to the human eye, have always coexisted in our planet, and they dwell in temples and convents because they are mystics and they tray to impose the faith. (year 1939)

                                The amphibious interplanetary ship will prove the existence of habitable channels inside the earth. It will submerge in the South Pole and will reappear in the North Pole. Just soon afterwards! (year 1960)

                                he also predicted SHTF during the london olympics according to some interpretations

                                will try to find a translation later ...

                                also: 2012 Galactic Alignment, Part One. - YouTube

                                google translation:

                                very Galactic Alignment like

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

