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Hendershot Replications

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  • positive feed back "hope"

    It is true that if you have a magnetic field going in one direction -- uniform --
    that particles will spin in a circle, creating a frequency.
    If, on the other hand, you have more of a donut shaped field, that has a
    two poles that are like mini black-holes, the particles will SPIN down
    toward that hole using a spiral trajectory. That point of intersection
    is a good place to put a PLATE antenna, since the particles will
    impact there, and enter your system.


    • So Hendershot had two of these devices you have just made for his little aeroplane did he?
      Wow you might have just cracked it I told you You would do it


      • Morph ..... the following might interest you ... as you are talking about wires crossing .....found it a while back


        gatewurm 3 months ago

        Your welcome to try the 'set-up' used in this video

        I use 'Audacity' and generate a 23 hz sine wave

        From the 'headphone-out' of the computer to the signal input of a 100 watt car stereo amplifier with the gain turned all the way down

        Left channel out to the coil

        The volume in 'Audacity" and the computer are at max

        Adjust the track gain to vary the intensity

        The magnet is an 'N45' 1 inch neo


        Caduceus + Honeycomb

        one more piece of info for you ..... From Mother Nature

        In the Key of B Flat « More to Explore

        And bees aren’t the only animals connected to B Flat. In the 1940s, the New York Philharmonic performed a concert at the American Museum of Natural History. During rehearsals, a musician played a note that got Oscar, the museum’s resident alligator, to begin bellowing. A quick test of instruments and notes determined that it was B Flat, played on any instrument, that got Oscar’s attention. This experiment has been repeated, and when it comes to alligators, B Flat causes a commotion every time. Good thing alligators aren’t native to South Africa, or there would have been even more commotion during the World Cup.

        But B Flat doesn’t just pop up in surprising places on Earth. This note is universal – literally.

        The next time you have a chance to look up at the Milky Way, the galaxy in which our Solar System is located, try to imagine its rotation. The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy, looking a lot like a pinwheel, and it rotates like one, too. This compilation of stars, planets, gas and dust rotates at approximately 270 kilometers per second (168 miles/second), which translates to 970,000 kilometers/hr ( 600,000 miles per hour). And the note that impressive rotational speed translates to? B Flat.
        the difficulty is to figure out Bflat frequency ..... based on either 440 HZ standard or 432 HZ Natural ......

        440Hz to 432Hz


        Ban (law) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

        When calculated in equal temperament with a reference of A above middle C as 440 Hz, the frequency of the B♭ above middle C is approximately 466.164 Hz. See pitch (music) for a discussion of historical variations in frequency.
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-31-2013, 12:11 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • I wonder if this is what Steven Mark was doing, remember he placed a magnet on the choke of his device.
          I tried the ring it works,
          Great find Morpher44
          Magnet power
          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


          • Im not sure I tried the fishing swivel a couple of different ones and could not keep it going.
            Is it just the thread unwinding, this needs further investigation.
            Maybe a magnetic bearing, I have to work today so I wont have time to play with this, please post any updates.
            Last edited by Dave45; 01-31-2013, 12:40 PM.
            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


            • Fishing line might be the go


              • We must be on the same page
                I tried fishing line with swivel, no spin
                Maybe someone else will have better luck

                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • Similar to the Wits Device

                  WITTS Self Running electronic motor prototype (2 of 3) [] - YouTube

                  [] WITTS Self-Running electronic motor prototype (3 of 3) - YouTube
                  Last edited by Gazzasore; 01-31-2013, 01:53 PM.


                  • Makes you wonder if Stan Meyer was using Honeycomb Shaped tubes

                    Vintage Honeycomb Radiator Company - Building a core - Part 1 - YouTube

                    --------------------------- a bit of info from Physorg

                    Novel optical-fiber design could reduce inefficiency and enable faster transmission of data-carrying light pulses

                    Yu and her team based the design of their device on a new type of photonic-crystal fiber (PCF). PCFs include spaces in the glass that run along the entire length of the fiber. When examined in cross-section (see image), these 'air holes' have a honeycomb-like arrangement. Reflection of the incoming light at the numerous air–glass interfaces confines the light to the center of the fiber.

                    Read more at:


                    Cork the key to unlocking the potential of graphene

                    Scientists have taken inspiration from one of the oldest natural materials to exploit the extraordinary qualities of graphene, a material set to revolutionise fields from computers and batteries to composite materials.

                    Read more at:
                    "The fibres in cork cell walls are closely packed to maximise strength and individual cells connect in a honeycomb structure which makes the material very elastic," Mr Qiu said.

                    Read more at:

                    last but not least

                    Honeycombs of magnets could lead to new type of computer processing

                    Scientists have taken an important step forward in developing a new material using nano-sized magnets that could ultimately lead to new types of electronic devices, with greater capacity than is currently feasible, in a study published today in the journal Science.

                    Read more at:
                    Now, researchers from Imperial College London have demonstrated that a honeycomb pattern of nano-sized magnets, in a material known as spin ice, introduces competition between neighbouring magnets, and reduces the problems caused by these interactions by two-thirds. They have shown that large arrays of these nano-magnets can be used to store computable information. The arrays can then be read by measuring their electrical resistance.

                    Read more at:

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-31-2013, 03:18 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Originally posted by Gazzasore View Post
                      And the flower of life
                      one of the shapes you highlighted in the drawing you posted can be found here

                      In the Key of B Flat « More to Explore

                      Vuvuzela - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      Chandra X-ray Observatory "Hears" A Black Hole For First Time

                      Black holes are musical too, emitting a extremely low B-flat
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-31-2013, 04:10 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • I wonder if all of the odd booming sounds heard around earth over the last few months has been B Flat ?

                        I know its not Hendershots idea But
                        Tesla did everything in 3's Maybe we need 3 coils

                        My idea of the Flower of life was more so the shape of the whole device how it was set out

                        and a large ring magnet inside the basket coils to induce the flow of energy


                        • Musical scale


                          • Stanley Myer frequency

                            Would this be the right angle Morpher?
                            Attached Files


                            • Originally posted by Gazzasore View Post
                              So Hendershot had two of these devices you have just made for his little aeroplane did he?
                              Wow you might have just cracked it I told you You would do it

                              No he had 4 of these Coils that how he got around the only flying the north south

                              But only the two east West ones with Magnets


                              • Funny thing I typed in Basket Coils and Magnets in Google look what came up

                                Rook Coils for Crystal Radios

