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Donald Smith Devices too good to be true

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  • lespaul109
    Very, very interesting!

    Maybe the most promising so far!!!

    designing superregenerative receivers

    This one just had something that sounded important in the first or second paragraph.

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  • lespaul109
    Trumpet waveform

    I've been doing some searches aver the last few hours and have come to these.

    "negative resistance oscillator"
    "Euler oscillation"
    "negative feedback oscillator"

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  • lespaul109
    I appreciate the links! I really should try the setup in the first video on my xds3102 with built-in waveform gen. Have you ever come across a simple HF amp to use on the gen's output?

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  • Utopia Now
    increasing wave form ....

    I did not find that book.

    But this is an interesting video about whave forms getting bigger.
    And some more about the same

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  • lespaul109
    Has anyone found the book that Don's trumpet waveform is from? I'd really like to read those few pages of that particular book.

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  • Utopia Now
    Better link to Prezi doc with Don Zilano info

    Here is a better link to the Prezi doc. with the toroidal Don Smith schematic.
    It is one of the many Prezi doc`s from Utopia Now about Don Smith and bypassing Lenz Law and Zilano etc ... called : Don Zilano device 01

    But with this link you can also Download the Prezi doc`s
    Attached Files

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  • Utopia Now
    Torodial transformers schematic

    Hallo Les Paul yes very interesting and nice picture.

    Here "a" schematic of a torodial setup from Don fromTesla 1996 symposium video

    The schematic is also in this Prezi doc .. with more info end you can Download it also . See attached picture
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Utopia Now; 04-10-2017, 12:07 PM. Reason: i do`nt see the picture i wanted to show accompanying the post

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  • lespaul109
    I'm sure this will interest some here

    I think everyone should put a little time looking at this device of Don's. He claimed that this one is complete and correct. There is another shot of it in part 2 of his 2005 lecture, but this pic here is the clearest. I haven't found one single obvious diode. I do see a variable resistor, 2 sparkgaps, and three capacitors though. I would wager that he used the blue wire connectors to indicate relative neutral or ground and red for relative positive connections. We increased the resolution with photoshop to get a better zoomed image.

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  • tswift
    Originally posted by Diplomacy View Post
    I have seen a neon turn blue/purple with only one wire running to it from a bedini type circuit with a reed switch replacing the normal trigger mechanism.

    Nothing "overunity" by any stretch, just enough oddness to not be able to let it go.
    Very interesting! Yes, welcome to the club. I think if you did a poll we'd find that most long-time experimenters have seen some anomalies, stuff that shouldn't happen according to normal theory. I also got zapped by a grounded and discharged cap, was that "neutral electricity" or some such? The only thing we really know for sure is that conventional theory as taught in school is only part of the picture and there is more to the story. These anomalies are ridiculously hard to reproduce and only seem to happen under very particular conditions. I have some personal theories of course, most of which you can read in the previous pages of this thread. But until something can be reliably reproduced on the bench and then replicated by other experimenters, it's basically just speculation.

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  • Diplomacy
    Originally posted by tswift View Post
    If any of your own experiments have been successful or you have other insights to offer, I'd love to hear them.
    I have seen a neon turn blue/purple with only one wire running to it from a bedini type circuit with a reed switch replacing the normal trigger mechanism.

    It was only for one night this effect was observed, I have been going through variations on coil wiring myself (I have a 5 stranded coil, 4 lengths of 24ga magnet wire and 1 strand of 20ga, all of equal length, a little over a pound or so of copper).

    My DC pulse width has been brought down to 30-50µs according to my oscilloscope, but I have burned up several transistors and they do not behave consistently from one to the next.

    Nothing "overunity" by any stretch, just enough oddness to not be able to let it go.

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  • tswift
    I think perhaps you are misunderstanding this current experiment I'm describing. This configuration is really just a standard Tesla coil, not an attempt to replicate Don Smith, or Zilano, or anyone else. All I'm doing is changing the method of charging the primary cap bank of an already-tuned benchtop Tesla coil.

    To address your points, I have done many, many, many experiments with various configurations including following resonance as you describe in a standard Don step-up configuration and Zilano's step-down configuration. I have also wound coils both with and without comparing the wire length and making sure the 1/4 wave resonance matches or is an integral ratio. I have compared both single secondaries and the bucking bifilar configuration. I don't think there is any combination I have not tried, although I should have kept better notes so I could be sure. At no point have I observed any evidence of a power gain, whether through the L1/L2 coils, or at the output transformer when using the cap bank to drive an inverter stage.

    Based on many hundreds of hours of experimentation and my failure to produce positive results, I have reached the conclusion that something important must be missing. It took a while for me to get good at winding coils, building configurations and tuning for resonance, but now I am very good at all these things and I can build bench configurations that resonate properly and have reasonable conventional power transfer characteristics. Also, I now have considerable experience taking measurements with the scope and I'm confident that I'm not missing anything significant just due to measurement error. As I said, the radiant effect when it shows up should be unmistakable and not subtle at all. But Don's documents, which I have read so many times that I can quote them from memory, certainly do not contain all the necessary details. Zilano's additional insights were useful, but I have also tried it exactly the way she described and have not had success. So what is missing? I think it has to be something small, something subtle. Something that perhaps the experimenters who have had success didn't think was important and thus didn't even mention. The history of overunity is replete with examples of devices that would work in one location but not everywhere, or some of the time but not all of the time, or for some people but not others. If I knew why this was, I'd have a working device already.

    So my approach recently has been just to go back to basic research, building configurations intended to probe various aspects of the behavior of electricity. This is essentially what Don was doing early in his research, replicating Tesla's experiments and reading all the available historical source material, when apparently he stumbled across something special, something magical. We know a great deal about what electricity DOES but very little about what it IS. True basic research into this essentially ended in Tesla's day, and modern electrical engineering as taught in colleges basically crystallized into its modern form with Heaviside and Steinmetz from something like the 1880's to the 1900's or 1910's. If you read all of Don's documents and watch all the videos, going from the earliest years to the last ones, you can see even how his own understanding shifted over time. Don knew that if he did certain things in certain ways he obtained overunity results and a large power gain, but why that happened even he struggled to explain.

    However, I don't believe Don was deluded, a charlatan, or just plain wrong. I believe he was genuine, and if you study the other radiant energy devices by various experimenters over the years they all seem to share a number of distinct characteristics. I personally have seen the radiant self-charging effect manifest briefly on my own workbench, when a circuit charging its own battery was charging up instead of running down. It only lasted for about a minute, but it was in an extremely simple bench configuration not even having resonant coils, just using the PVM12 to charge HV into a plate next to a small gel-cell battery, with the battery having Avramenko diodes to ground. Prior to that experiment, I had been zapping the battery with high voltage DC sparks (perhaps 10KV), not unlike a Bedini-style pulse charger, and this appears to have put some radiant energy into the battery, which then worked its magic when looping. Unfortunately it was brief and I wasn't able to reproduce it successfully, but I know from this that radiant energy and the self-charging power gain in a closed loop configuration is quite real and can be done.

    If any of your own experiments have been successful or you have other insights to offer, I'd love to hear them.

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  • Tajerek
    Originally posted by tswift View Post
    The resonant frequency of my benchtop coil (3" diameter, about 14" long secondary winding, about 700 turns of 26 gauge wire) with no topload is right about 700 KHz, so the primary inductance is about 5 uH to resonate with the 10 nF primary capacitance. It's just a Tesla coil, but instead of the typical charging circuit with a 60 Hz AC NST, the primary cap is charged by an HV/HF supply through two Avramenko diodes. I used the PVM12 for this, so the frequency is something like 48 KHZ. The drive frequency is irrelevant when being used this way, it just pumps charge into the cap bank on every AC cycle until the cap bank voltage is enough to cause the gap to fire and discharge into the L1 coil with the 700 KHz damped oscillation. The spark gap repetition frequency might be in the range of 30 to 100 Hz,

    1) The resonant frequency of your LC primary is 700 khz and you are pulsing L1 with 30-100 Hz?! you did not follow Zilano and Don Smith...L1 has to be in ROSONANCE with the drive frequency.

    2) Overunity comes from a radio transmission between two isolated parts of your circuit. L1 side and L2 side. so L1C1 in parallel is in fact a radio transmitter, this means not only it has to be in resonance but also on a frequency over the 20khz. Zilano and Don suggested 35khz which is perfect range for that. This is also missing in your circuit

    3) Basically L1 and L2 are a transmitting and receiving antennas for the radio waves. Which means there is a condition to fullfill which is the lengths ratio has to be 1:4 to have secondary resonate at 1/4 wavelength. This condition is also missing in your experiment.
    Last edited by Tajerek; 04-02-2017, 08:26 PM.

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  • Wistiti
    Originally posted by tswift View Post
    To everyone who was wondering if I was quitting, no I'm not quitting. Not while I still have a pulse. But I did need a break and I think a lot of other folks did too. I apologize for any misunderstandings and hard words. To the other group who now appears to have departed, I wish them the best in their future efforts. Really, this project is too important to the future of humanity to let egos get in the way. It doesn't matter that much to me who it is that comes up with the final breakthrough and is willing to publish it, but if nobody else does it before I do then it will be me. I know I have to be close and I understand a great deal now and it is endlessly frustrating that there is some little piece "right in front of my nose", so to speak, that I'm missing. I personally feel that the right path forward is to go full open source and complete disclosure, so that this idea can no longer be supressed as it has been so many times before, but it's not in my power to change anyone else's mind on that score and I respect everyone's right to their own opinion.
    Happy to ear from you buddy!
    Im exactly at the same place of you. Just let you know nobody of the last pac have reach the grail.... still waithing and learning.... maybe soon...

    Keep on you work and faith!


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  • tswift
    To everyone who was wondering if I was quitting, no I'm not quitting. Not while I still have a pulse. But I did need a break and I think a lot of other folks did too. I apologize for any misunderstandings and hard words. To the other group who now appears to have departed, I wish them the best in their future efforts. Really, this project is too important to the future of humanity to let egos get in the way. It doesn't matter that much to me who it is that comes up with the final breakthrough and is willing to publish it, but if nobody else does it before I do then it will be me. I know I have to be close and I understand a great deal now and it is endlessly frustrating that there is some little piece "right in front of my nose", so to speak, that I'm missing. I personally feel that the right path forward is to go full open source and complete disclosure, so that this idea can no longer be supressed as it has been so many times before, but it's not in my power to change anyone else's mind on that score and I respect everyone's right to their own opinion.

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  • tswift
    Originally posted by Tajerek View Post
    tswift, did you have capacitor in parallel with L1. Was L1-C1 in resonance with your input frequency ?
    was there relation between the wire length between L1 and L2 ? for example L1= 4*N*L2
    Did you have the diode before L1 ?

    would be good to see your circuit.
    Oddly enough, I happened to check in here today for the first time in a while and someone's posted in the Don Smith thread. I've been taking a sabbatical from the research-project-that-never-ends and trying to get a bunch of other work done. Rereading Tesla and reading Steinmetz for the first time, it's more accessible than I thought. I have spent no time whatsoever at the workbench since the unhappy conclusion of our winter campaign that you have no doubt read about in these pages. At least now I have better tools and supplies to continue the quest with. Unfortunately, this time of year my experimenting takes a back seat to many other responsibilities, winter is really the best time I have for focused research work. But I'm happy to see some folks are still actively researching!

    If I remember the experiment you were referring to, then yes, there was a C1 cap in parallel with L1 for this experiment. The resonant frequency of my benchtop coil (3" diameter, about 14" long secondary winding, about 700 turns of 26 gauge wire) with no topload is right about 700 KHz, so the primary inductance is about 5 uH to resonate with the 10 nF primary capacitance. It's just a Tesla coil, but instead of the typical charging circuit with a 60 Hz AC NST, the primary cap is charged by an HV/HF supply through two Avramenko diodes. I used the PVM12 for this, so the frequency is something like 48 KHZ. The drive frequency is irrelevant when being used this way, it just pumps charge into the cap bank on every AC cycle until the cap bank voltage is enough to cause the gap to fire and discharge into the L1 coil with the 700 KHz damped oscillation. The spark gap repetition frequency might be in the range of 30 to 100 Hz, depending on PVM drive voltage and frequency (it seems to be more efficient at the lower end of its tuning range). You have to be careful with any configuration like this on the bench, because the whole primary circuit is "hot" with HV/HF and needs to be well insulated. The HV/HF drive voltage can exceed the primary capacitor voltage rating (perhaps even by a lot), because the cap insulation only sees the voltage difference across its plates, not the voltage difference to the surroundings of the circuit. The gap should be set to fire before the caps get overvolted, but this is just standard Tesla coil stuff.

    This was a completely qualitative observation and not at all measurement, but the coil SEEMED to run more powerfully when the drive was arranged this way, through the Avramenko diodes. It's simple enough to change it back to half-wave rectification on the PVM12 and have the primary circuit grounded, so as to compare the two configurations. In order to tell whether there is in fact power gain happening you'd have to measure the power in the secondary, which is hard to do at 100 KV+ voltages. One method might be another, larger (L3) coil about halfway up the secondary as an output coil, perhaps with one or just a couple of turns. This wouldn't have to be resonant and would act as a step-down transformer. Considering the voltage rise as you go up the secondary, the coil might need to be 10" in diameter or so to keep from arcing over from the Tesla secondary.

    If you've read the previous posts up to this point then you're probably familiar with my theory so far. If my understanding is correct, charging the C1 capacitor this way results in picking up some of Don's famous "ambient" energy. This then causes a power gain to happen by reducing the Lenz's law feedback between L2 and L1. The spark color changes to white, which is definitely an indication that SOMETHING is happening, but what exactly it is, I haven't yet figured out. I tried charging the huge supercap bank from another set of Avramenko diodes connected to ground, they just get charged slowly by the oscillating electric field around the coil. This works (slowly), but it doesn't seem to produce any magic. I ran the whole setup until the cap bank charged enough to run the PVM12 (about 9V), then switched the PVM12 to run from the caps. It rapidly ran down instead of up, so no significant power gain happening. Again, if my understanding so far is correct then the first transformer that sees an input with a radiant component should show an overunity gain, in this case it would be the PVM12 internal flyback. So no, something is still missing in my understanding. I'm pretty sure I'm not far from the truth but there is still some missing component. I didn't run the experiment trying to measure the power from an L3 coil to see if there is a power gain. All you would have to do is connect the L3 coil to a diode bridge (with fast diodes suitable for the 700 KHz frequency) and then into a suitable DC load resistor, and compute power by P=V^2/R. As I have also said previously, I expect the effect will be quite large when I finally get everything correct. Based on devices like Don, Kapanadze, Gray, and others, the achievable power gain appears to be something like 100x to 1000X in a single stage.

    I hope that answers your question and leads to some useful experiments!

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